Game is up for grabs at Using WineSkin it runs perfectly on the Mac (it was even easier then getting it to work on the PC).
@Ablaoublas2 Seems Eternity will have guns in it too though, so consider it the next best thing :)
Actually, I read Tim Cain say that Actiision/Blizzard has the rights to that IP (because they bought up Sierra). So, unlikely for the moment that he can do anything with it...
3 million dollar mark achieved! Wow, thats impressive...hope these guys take a looong time to develop this, and make an RPG worthy of Fallout, BG and Planescape...
" I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe....I was not offended, for I knew I had to rise above it all!! Or drown in my own sh*t...." So the immortal words of George Clinton :D I actually feel sorry for the zombies. What about Stubbs, he is my friend!!! funk on zombies :D
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