Having first person cutscenes will just add more immersion to it that those games didn't even have. With all the outrage, I don't think people here even understand what the word "immersion" means. It mean you are so much "in" that character that you never break from being that person; 3rd person pulls you out of it because you are watching your character as a bystander, you no longer ARE that character.
@dts15: changing out body parts for cyborg parts is not the same as a transvestite. It about sexuality and forcing you to go along with the delusion that a man thinks he's a woman - something that will never be, even if they mutilate their genitals. Even with cyborg parts/augmentation, a man would still only be a man. As a straight man I don't want to see the disgusting bulge of a man's penis either.
DigiRave's comments