@Dilandau88: I wouldn't really call The Witcher 3 a masterpiece, sure the technical problems may be fixed by that still doesn't fix all of its terrible design decisions. Level-gating, terrible default movement controls, the bad fan-fiction level writing and the instances where Geralt can make choices his character never would (like killing Keira Metz despite Keira being a close friend of Yennifer or snitching on the one guy selling stolen mage equipment).
Then you have the easily exploitable and unbalanced combat, the repetitive and uniterest Ubisoft-style open world content like monster nests, the awful pacing of the last third of the game where it has three different climaxes, and so on and so forth. I still enjoyed the game, but it's faaar from being a flawless masterpiece.
Witcher 3 Wiki:
'It received 260 game of the year awards and was the most awarded game of all time until 2021, when it was overtaken byThe Last of Us Part II.[139]By August 2016, it had received over 800 awards.[140]On 2020,Gamesradarlisted it as the top game of the generation.[141]'
@Dilandau88: Far too many so-called "gamers" complain about a score that was issued by critics who are paid to rate games based solely on their opinions. I don't go by what the critics say.
Lol. 5/10 on Metacritic from peoples choice. The People have spoken.
@joshsmith16: Hmmm. In a world of endless games and options, a 6/10 might as well be shovelware.
There's too many other amazing games to spend countless hours on than to waste it on a middling 6/10.
Though I didn't like the ending on ME3 and it was a major letdown for such an epic franchise, it's the journey not the destination. It's unfair that the game got trashed like it did; 50 hours of incredible storytelling and gameplay marred by 15 minutes of ending. If anything, it's testament to the level of passion the player base has for this franchise.
Witcher 3 was released poorly yes, but they've spent years honing that game to finely crafted masterpiece. ME:A got what? 1 half ass patch and then all support dropped? Hmmm.
You can get ME:A at GameStop right now for $3.99 Canadian (lol). Witcher 3 is currently listed at $49.99. Speaks volumes.
@FF7Legend1981: Glad you had fun. Most didn't. It was a critical failure both commercially and for the franchise. The quality of the game was abysmal and riddled with bugs, the reviews were low (Gamespot: 6/10), and the player reception was overall poor.
It didn't do the pedigree of ME justice and is a black blotch of the franchise.
Dilandau88's comments