@Thanatos2k: To compare Cyberpunk to Anthem is idiotic and trite. Anthem was a broken train wreck and overall, just not a good game. Cyberpunk is an amazing game for anyone who isn't trying to run it on decade old tech. Yes, it could have used some more time in the oven, but they're a public company and it was Christmas so they made the call.
If you have even a 1% grasp of game development (you don't) you'd know that most games sit in pre-production for years as they flesh out the story, themes, concept art, plan out marketing, technical requirements, hire staff, logistics, etc... Cyberpunk isn't an outlier here. You always sell before you build, so of course they'd announce it early.
Also, CDPR only works on one game at a time, so they need to build massive hype to pre-sell their games to fund development between releases.
Dilandau88's comments