@Jebril: As a video professional, you are so, so, sooo misinformed about this topic. The amount of time, knowledge, equipment, and craft that goes into streaming and video production is its own profession.
Robots can flip burgers. This is a menial job that will be gone in the next few years entirely. Live entertainment and video production take skill, technical knowhow, specialized equipment and TIME.
lol. Such greed. 'Pay us to promote our game for free'. F off.
I've purchased games from watching streams before; one recent example was Until Dawn. I watched half the game before going out to buy it myself. I just recently purchased Man from Medan, its sequel as well.
This is free press for the games and the cheapest advertising you can get. Punishing fans for playing your game is ludicrous.
@DAOWAce: are you really complaining about drop rates in a free game? How do you think the devs are paying for the 100 hours you'll sink into it? Stop being a cheap ass
@returnofthebrotha: I don't work in games, I actually work in film. It always find it comical that people will spend $10-15 for an hour and a half movie they will watch once, but balk at spending $60-70 for a game that can last between 50-200+ hours and has replayability. There's no logic in it.
Dilandau88's comments