When will developers learn that dumbing down the experience to such a point that a chimpanzee can play it is not what players want. 'Accessibility' is a word I hear often. How about you have a little faith in your player base and create something more complex that will challenge them and allow players an experience they won't get bored of and drop 7 days after release?
Getting so sick of this. This game will likely be a huge success for no other reason than the Star Wars branding, however I see it being dead in the water 1 month after release.
Looks fun, but I agree with the sentiment-- just another archedey shooter. Let's see some actual strategy and teamwork, not just the typical zerg lemming rush. I feel that's all this game will amount too.
I really enjoy FarCry, and want to check this out. However, part of the appeal is all the gadgets and guns... besides basic bows and knifes, I don't see a lot of variety in this one. Am I wrong?
It looks super fun, but I doubt it will have any longevity. Far too archady. No teamwork or depth, just charge and spam your gun. It will get boring fast.
Dilandau88's comments