This may be a topic that has been created by many people, but I haven't seen any in the time I have been member so am creating one now.:)
As the title says your favorite franchies of them all? I know this may be hard so you can say like your three or four favorite franchieses, but if you can name one that is your far superior than all the other of the 10000000000 of video game series I admire you! It would be fun if you can tell why it is your favorite/favorites and maby tell som nostalgia with them. :P
Well before I made this topic I sat and had a big thought on that and here are those that are my favorites!
Super Mario ( Most because I have played the games since I started playing video games and his games are eternal. It is one of the few franchieses that still makes as fantastic games as when the kick a** plumber was born! )
Next one is The Legend of Zelda (It's kind of the same reasons as Super Mario I can't explain it much different )
Metroid ( I love the franchies thats all I can say...^^ )
So wich ones are yours? =)
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