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Still hooked ^_^

Just noticed that I've cracked the 200 hour mark in Pokemon Pearl, despite having bought loads of new games recently (Eternal Sonata, Overlord, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Final Fantasy III, Pikmin, Shadow of the Colossus... do I need to go on? :lol: )

I'm still playing it far more than anything else I own, which just goes to show how addictive it is! I'm also really hoping theres going to be a nintendo event in the UK soon coz I want Shaymin sooo much :D he's so cute lol I don't really like the look of Darkrai tho...

I take it no ones heard any rumours of up coming Nintendo events? They usually do a prettygood job of keeping them hushed up :(

Just incase anyone was looking for me...

... fear not, I have not been devoured by my pet tarantula, or been in some sort of freak accident involving llamas - I've just got my shiny, newxbox 360 out of it's box and up and running so if I'm not online for a while thats why!

I mite be about in a while to write a few reviews or something but until then adios amigos! :D

Hooked on Pearl ^_^

I seem to have developed a worrying addiction to Pokemon Pearl at the moment lol

But seriously it's pretty much all I'm thinking about at the moment, I actually dreampt I was "surfing" on a whale last night :lol:

Is this normal?

Guess what I've got? ^_^

I just bought an Xbox 360 (premium not elite, elite is just a rip-off :P ) so I'm happy happy happy lol

Im going to hide it until Ive finished my exams though, coz otherwise I'll fail everything!

So many games, so little time...

Okay so I don't know how many other people have this problem (but I would expect its quite alot) - I keep finding that between working, going to uni and seeing my friends/bf the time I spend playing games is rapidlydecreasing, while the number of games I'm buying (or thinking about buying :) ) keeps increasing!

Seriously, I need more time!

Lottery tickets anyone?:D

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