ok heres my second report on soulcalibur IV here we go!!
So its a Fighting game Which has a layout of tekken were u fight to claim the swords (Soulcalibur and soul edge) there are 2 different vesions of the game on xbox 360 u get yoda and on ps3 u get Vader thats the only difference + the box art is different. enjoy the report:D
There is many fighters 2 chose from u can even make your own which is cool each fighter has there own ending which again is cool there is a lot of weapons to master which is fun. U can even use the powerful 1 Hit KO move to kill your rival. and many other moves 2 master.
Overall the game gets a 9/10 it has a fast campaign (5 stages each taking about 3 mins) but its still fun 2 play and is a must buy for people who like playing fighting games with there mates soulcalibur fans and fighting game lovers
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