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Dinoblade Blog

Blog #111 New Games!!!

i've ordered some games of ebay i have won them they will be arriving soon i won cod 4, overlord 2 batman arkum asylam, Brutal legend, Halo 3 ODST and Another game which i forgot lol anyone ordered some new games lately???


Blog #108 Point Lookout Progress!!! (PLP)

on fallout 3 point lookout i am heading the the tribals HQ i say a walkthought on fallout wiki and it is one mile of a trip i say a tracker 4 the first time he was on half health and he killed 2 mirelurks on full health!!! anyone else played point lookout???

Blog #107 Borderlands!!!

My mate got borderlands 2day we were having a great time on it it is hard there is alot of funny bits like 9 toes and what is says after his name "and he has 3 b*lls" lol so is it any good futher thought cause i was thinking if i should get it


Blog #106 GOTY Thoughts???

So what does everyone think i think goty has 2 be call of duty modern warfare 2 by far but i hear some people say assassins creed 2 might get who knows so what do you want game of the year 2 be?????

Barreling along: Critics have lavished praise on Modern Warfare 2

Blog #105 MW2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally the game is out like half of the people at my school have this game already!!! it looks great u have seen the gameplay movies it looks amazinf sooner or later the game "call of duty modern warfare 2 GOTY" will be out so who has or wants this cool looking game.

Blog #104 Minus World!!!!

Level Up Level 17 WOOHOO Minus World??????? what is it is it something about mario so something anyway just to let everyone know i got fallout 3 game add on pack 2 which means i can play Broken Steel And Point Lookout!!!!!! Broken Steel is fun Dogmeat is like bullet proof a enclave soldier wearing all tesla armor died of a car bomb on full health Dogmeat was still on full health he took the blast more anyway see ya?????????

P.S 17 is the day i was born on lolz


Blog #103 Fallout 3 Blog Again........

i seem 2 be always bloging about Fallout 3 Now probs because its the only 360 game i have played for a whole month so i was wondering????? is fallout 3 the best RPG ever made yes obilivion has "beautiful" landscapes so does fallout 3 just broken buildings fire everyehere is a "beautiful" landscapes 2 me.:D