Well, this is a repost of an earlier thread, since people are less likely to look on page 8.
OK, in asking for a fix to the fact that my copy of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion was going really slow all of a sudden, someone suggested that I try this Storage Device Maintenance thing where I select the HDD and put in X X LB RB X X, supposedly this clears all game patches only, but I saw a forum where it is supposed to slow down the drive speed to make it quieter. Is any of this true? And if so would slowing down the drive speed speed up the game? It doesn't make sense to me, but maybe someone more qualified knows a bit more about it?
I tried everything I know, when I noticed this, I had accidentaly duped one sword, and downloaded BF Bad Company, now I deleted BF demo, deleted my saves after the dupe, and reloaded before it, and It is still slow! I just don't get why it started this all of a sudden!
I don't believe that it's framerate issues because it happens on the main menu before the game starts. I really have no clue what is going on or what to do about it.
It used to be fine, just 3 days ago I could play no problem with fast loading!
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