[QUOTE="DirtyHorse"][QUOTE="Mitazaki"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="DirtyHorse"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="stepat201"]I don't see how one could be,unless you're a young kid. As a serious game console it's a joke.Mitazaki
This 'kiddy' argument is still going on?
The console is a joke. And its not a argument, its a fact that the wii is kiddy.
:roll: Oh My God.
if they want to focus on only the kids game its going to seem like a kiddy machine, just pure blind fanboy at best really
well they only focus on kid games because it appeals to casuals and its easier to make them on the wii hardware than hardcore games. and they sell well to because more casuals buy them.
it has a mix really resident evil 4, resident evil UC, metroid prime 3, red steel (yes i know this game sucked), zelda tp, super paper mario all sold over 1 million. sure the wii has plenty of kiddy games but that always happens when the system is the market leader ps2 had its fair share of barbie games but it still managed to have a large hardcore selection in the end.
so you can focus on those kiddy wii games while i enjoy moh:h2, bwii, metroid prime 3 etc and look foward to playing fatel frame 4, fragile, tos2, madworld, rune factory, etc
how about you can enjoy those games while I rally enjoy: warhawk, cod4, gta4, bfbc, soul calibur 4, mgs4 etc and looking forward to killzone 2, resistance 2, ff13, motorstorm 2, etc
you aint going to beat that using the wii ^ ;)
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