Try using another 360 game and see if it does the same thing. "mmmm to rrrrr" really doesn't explain whats happening to your xbox. To me that seems normal because most games when they start up spin slow for a few seconds, then speed up.. which makes a similar sound to "mmmm...RRRR".
Discyple321's forum posts
Wow, i'm surprised no one mentioned Bioshock..
That game pretty much took FPS's to the next level with an awesome narrative, tight gameplay controls, and superb smooth graphics. It's my all time favorite FPS that was masterfully done. I own both CoD4 & Halo3 and I found the campaigne and Multiplayer to both of them to be well done. I think CoD4 has a slight edge on halo3 online. But I guess when you have developer's focusing on online/campagine, it's a bit difficult to balance things in game opposed to just focusing on a really unique single player experience. Possibly why Bioshock had no multiplayer added to it.
Turok though..I've played the demo so I can't really say much, but from what I got from the demo.. it looked like an unimaginative shooter to be honest. The combat didn't make much sense to me either, you twist and twirl around a rapor to cut it's throat with your knife while a near by raptor just watches you and waits patiently for you to finish it off?! I depict Dinosaurs as ruthless opportunistic killers.. NOT fair playing dinos that watch thier own kind die..
Though I think there is a bit of flood of FPS's in the market, but thats alright. I wasn't a big fps fan till the 360 came out, maybe because I found previous shooters boring and poorly done, except for a few of course(Half-Life, TFC, CS, Halo)
I agree with what was stated about pokemon gold/silver. When I first played gold after beating red/blue numerous times, it was like a total big breathe of fresh air. I loved what they did in gold/silver. My favorite of the series.
I don't know what they can do keep their fans from leaving them. Gamefreak may find it too much of a risk to do something totally new with the pokemon series. I'll still probally end up buying the next pokemon game, but I admit the whole formula they have for the game is getting fairly stale; collect pokemon, save pokemon from teamwhatyerface, and beat the league. Not to mention the character interaction, outside of you and your pokemon, is very limited. Honestly, the next logical step really seems to be an MMORPG. I mean, they introduced GTS and online battling through wi-fi in Diamond/Pearl. Why not go totally online?
Instead of making the next Mystery Dungeon, or Pokemon Ranger, they should invest in an MMO. They don't have to market it to be the next big pokemon game, they can still come out with another DS pokemon game for those who aren't interested in an MMO. They just need to try something totally new that can still apeal to alot of folks and keep us playing for hours on end.
I think with a big vision and man power, gamefreak can make a very sucsessful MMORPG if done well. Maybe rework the battle sytem to fit the open world. Have certain and well balanced timers on your pokemon's abilities, and instead of 4 moves have 6, Like 4 different attack moves, and two defensive moves(heals,dodges,maybe power boosts). Imagine, our Garchomp follows you around as you both explore the world fighting other trainers like yourself, some NPC's, should they accept. The world should be massive too, much like the show is has portrayed it. And your only means of travelling is by foot to give you the epic feeling of adventure. They could add other means of transportation too but, limit that to certain areas, like a cycling road or a boat ride to Orange Islands. Limiting the player to walking will make them think twice before leaving town to go for their next badge, and you might not know where the next poke-center is.. But this is all ideas on how I would make it into an MMORPG =p
Bottom line is, I really hope Pokemon DOES NOT die out, I've loved the game ever since it first came out. A part of me would die if there were no more new pokemon and adventures, and i'm sure alot of people share the same feeling as I.
i dont even press or tap hard on the ds lite screen and i have like 3 of them and i was wondering how can i get them. well i clean my screen every single time im done playing my ds becaues dust gets on it, when my friend is watching me play my ds a tiny peice of spit goes on it. i cleaned it everytime all day for like 15 minutes and i have 3 scratches. sometimes when moving the stylus over them it makes a cracking sound like sand or something
First off, you're way going a little over board with cleaning your DS. Try not cleaning it as much, only when needed. My ds has no scatches and I don't use any screen protectors. Your 3 scratches most likely came from your stylus itself. I had a habit of biting on the tip of the stylus, and i found my it wasn't gliding over the screen so smoothly. I soon realize it was not a pristine ball to the point. So I just got my spare that came with it and tossed my old one.
So, make sure you use your stylus solely for the DS and nothing else. But if you're still having the same problems even with a new stylus, get a screen protector. I doubt the static clings will damage the ds's electronices. hope this helps..
So today while playing CoD4(about 10minutes) my screen and colors go wack and turn green/blue and the contrast is all wacked. I thought "great here comes the RRoD" but it doesn't. So I try unplugging and plugging everything in on both my 360 and hdtv. Nothing. I can't get a signal to my tv but my xbox has one green light on, as if its totally fine..
I guess my question is: What exactly is wrong with my xbox and what can I do about it? I got it back in Sept. of last year, so it's only been about 6-7months since I've had it. I didn't buy any warranty for it either.. does the 1year warranty cover this kind of problem? A little help and some answers would help ease my sorrow right now.
I had GTA 4 reserved too.. :(
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