People actually care about the crap they listed? Strange. I'd also add that you should completely remove facebook comments from showing up on articles. No one wants to read what those dbags have to say.
@sgt_F79 Downhill after 2? Wow, your taste in games sucks. SR3 was one of the best coop games I've ever played. SR2 was a wannabe GTA ripoff with terrible everything. At least they set themselves apart with SR3.
@Vidpci Exactly. I played WoW on and off since the beginning. I played MoP for a month or two and quit. It's lame. Beyond the theme, I hate the new talent trees, the simplicity of everything, and the removal of most things "RPG" from an MMORPG. It's pretty much a joke now.
@Nemesis_47 @Dissentioncc Did I insult them? Nope, I just said they are unworthy of praise for being rich people. I maybe insulted you in a way, but not them.
@Nemesis_47 @Dissentioncc No, it's called I see things without blinders on. I don't have to respect something simply because people have done it for generations. I look at the idea, the concept of royalty and laugh because it's nonsense.
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