@twerkloak: Yeah, and Ubisoft is close too. But this move is ridiculous. I'm not a huge CoD fan by any means, but I've played some occasionally over the years. I'd love to play the MW remastered as I never played it originally. I just don't want to play IW.
@bat725: Yes, or at least come up with something better for both. I'm of the opinion that most super hero names are so basic that they are terrible. Superman? Really? Wonder Man or Woman, Power Girl? They are all terrible. Imo the only exceptions are Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, etc. because they describe the character and look. Spiderman is Spiderman because he was bitten by a radioactive spider, makes sense. Batman because of the fear of bats/overcoming it, look of the costume/persona. Iron man because of obvious reasons. The ones you mentioned are Man, Woman, and Girl with grade school adjectives slapped on them. Why not Super Strong Dude or Really Great Girl? Those are equally as lame.
Some examples of good superhero/villain names:
Dr. Doom, Iron Fist, Deadpool, Wolverine, Gambit, Carnage, Venom, The Joker, Bane.
Seriously, it doesn't take much to think of something better than (Insert basic description here) Man, Woman, Girl, Boy. So yeah, maybe Luke Cage is lacking because it's not really a superhero name, but that's the kind of character Luke Cage is. It fits him.
@bat725: Yeah, except that Luke Cage first appeared in 1972. Nicholas Cage was 8 years old at the time and Johnny Cage became a character in 1992. So, your piss poor attempt to discredit the name is beyond pathetic. Luke Cage is a better name than Power Man.
Ugh, this just isn't Final Fantasy. What's the point of having a party if they are nothing more than NPCs on autoattack mode? Oooh combat "helpers"!!! I actually love real time ARPGs, but Final Fantasy was never that. Between this and the combat changes to the FF7 remake, I'm done with this series.
@cboye18: Fair enough. I guess I'm not much of a "character" guy when it comes to video games, especially in FPS games. It's important, don't get me wrong, but I care more about the setting and the overall story arc.
@cboye18: Oh yeah? You've played it already huh? If you're just not into the material, that's fine. But this series has had one of the best story lines in gaming.
Dissentioncc's comments