@sammoth @Dissentioncc @LittleSaintGoph I don't give a **** what you do. Keep preaching, moron. If you buy an Xbox One, you are part of the problem. You are supporting the bullshit practices that M$ is trying to implement into the console market. Not having to deal with DRM or full installations, and being able to resell games are the only benefits to console gaming. Take them away and there is no point.
@sammoth Probably because it's an open forum and he can post whatever the hell he wants to. Kind of like you with that stupid ass picture you keep failing to link properly.
@sammoth @LittleSaintGoph This goes beyond the tech. It's about the companies now. It's about how Micro$oft is trying to rape consumers and telling them they are "over-delivering value" at the same time. Sony wins based on all the negatives of the xbone.
Dissentioncc's comments