The true and SAD wrongdoing does not lie in the guy being an idiotic prick, and demanding a refund because he is controlling a character with whom he does not agree upon the actions the character is forced to take (even be that baptising - whereas killing all these people sits well with his faith - and don't tell me he knew nothing of the killing to come later in the game).
It lies with the company actually giving this prick his money back (therefore accepting they were wrong).....
No, it won't switch gamers off! Because, as EA have shown with Sim City, this actually works very well and people praised them for doing so (EA best company in America EVER!!!).
@Jamoid Back to the Future doesn't follow the "infinite-parallel-timelines" theory (what Superstring theory suggests), but the fact that one timeline/universe exists, where different choices/events don't branch out reality. But that theory can cause SO many more paradoxes, which would make one's head hurt more...
@RIIIIKU I would think, since there are infinite possibilities, after that baptism, there is a set of infinite universes (that is developed through that particular timeline) where Booker never becomes Comstock, never builds Columbia etc. But, there is still an infinity of universes where they can't change things...
Disturbed_88's comments