@warriors30 If you want this NOW, then maybe just get it now. From what i understand, the graphical improvement is not important enough in this game to justify you waiting a few months. + there are plenty other games to try out in the new consoles for their graphics etc...
Maybe go in Youtube and watch some HD gameplay videos and compare the 2 versions of the game and then decide.
Tom, now my appreciation for you has gone down. :P Not because i feel everyone should praise this game, but because a 4.0 on Bioshock Infinite compared to, let's say, an 8.0 for NBA 2K14 means that NBA 2K14 is 3 times closer to perfection than Bioshock Infinite.
In reviews like the one on Beyond, you praise the story and what the game makes you feel for the characters, yet in Bioshock that doesn't seem to be the case? I know reviews are personal, subjective opinions, but we should at least expect some consistency from reviewers...
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