Well it happened i got the RRoD. I was pumped up to play during spring break, and the red surrounded me like death :(. Luckily i bought my system from costco, and it was easy to return. But at costco is was terrible. The guy was really nice and let me exchange my hard drive. But he had to open the blister pack in the middle of it, the plastic recoiled and sliced his finger open. I felt so bad because he shouldn't of even opened the box in the first place. Oh well i got a new 360, and it works great. I still feel guilty about the guy, he said it was no problem. I made sure he knew i was sorry.
DivinitySkate Blog
I got fallout 3!
by DivinitySkate on Comments
Oh man that game is fantastic. I just love the combat and the feel. Its like a breath of fresh air with the huge area landscapes. Well i just got it and i hope to beat it soon. I plan on getting RE5 next.
Your Favorite Music Artists.
by DivinitySkate on Comments
Bad Religionl
Cypress Hill
Bob Marley
Kotton Mouth Kings (KMK)
Three Days Grace
King Spade
The Misfits ( i know there more of punk then rock but there music is really hard so i guess you can consider it rock)
Classic Rock:
The Beatles (of course:roll:)
Pink Floyd
The Doors
2 pac
Biggie smalls
I don't know i audio rip good ones from youtube
Same as Techno
I'm in love with resident evil
by DivinitySkate on Comments
I'm getting a PS3
by DivinitySkate on Comments
No Link i'm not high. The only catch is that i get my weekly progress reports that i picked up PERFECT for 1 semester i get $40 a week and the bundle i want is $500 so basically 13 weeks which is basically a semester i can't miss a homework a assignment or slack off during class "i need a teachers sig"
To be honest i am getting it solely for Killzone 2 and MGS4 nothing else the PS3 offered interested me i will still play on my 360 for exclusives and non multiplayer platforms. The PS3 is the obvious choice due to free online which i desperately need and just all around better games uncharted 2 looks awesome. Sorry Link but resistance 2 doesn't interest me what so ever i played it and it really just doesn't suit me.
So i am switching to the brotherhood of the PS3.
Multi Platform are just dominating this year
by DivinitySkate on Comments
Resident evil 5
Call of Duty MF2
Street fighter IV
Bioshock 2
Assassins Creed 2
and much much more
Last year was sort of a bummer for me after coming to the true realization that gears 2 is a terrible online game i'm starting to crawl out of my 360 only shell and am now looking forward to some PS3 titles that are coming and i must say it kicks the 360's ass no doubt.
I plan on getting RE5 and fallout 3( i know it's 2008 but it looks REALLY good) and street fighter IV i doubt i'll have enough money my only hope is that economy crashes so some street riots come up and i can just steal some but that probably will never happen so i'll be stuck with chores to get money :( anyways just thought i would share.
A good cheap game?
by DivinitySkate on Comments
I'm currently looking for a great game thats cheap that i can play like crazy and it has to be challenging.
My list so far:
Ninja gaiden 2 $25 new - costco/may be $10 at best buy if still avaible which i doubt
Dead rising $18 used - gamestop
BF:BC $25 new - costco
Lost odyssey $25 new - costco
I'm still looking if you want or are just browsing and happen to find anything you may think i'll like and it's under $30 (without tax) feel free to comment thanks.
Merry christmas
by DivinitySkate on Comments
Well i hope you all had a great christmas filled with presents. I sure didn't i got nothing for christmas since my parents are cheap and wait for the after christmas sales and i still usually get little to none :cry:
So anyways have a great christmas, drink responsibly.
How my last day at school was :D
by DivinitySkate on Comments
Well finally it's christmas break. I was at school we had party's watched movies and made farwell cards.
But one event changed everything.
There's this kid named anthony at my school he is your typical short annoying kid who talks $#!% and gets his ass beat and talks more. Well me and some fellow classmates were sick of it and knew we had to do something on the last day.
We had spanish today and our teacher had a big fiesta party which was fabulous by the way. We knew he would eat a lot and i proposed a great idea.
We should put sedative laxitives in his drink.
Now before i begin sedative laxitives are the ones you shove up your butt and will cause extreme vomitting and will clear your bladder fully and very fast level when taken orally. I checked with my mom who is a pharmacist and trusty google, and it's completley safe just that you will vomit everything you ate and crap yourself in like 3 minutes with no control.
Well we went out the day before and bought some extra strength ones with a warning label telling us what would happen when taking orally and they were great all we needed it even included slurred speech as a bonus XD again this is still very safe and no way lethal i promise you.
At the fiesta we wated for him to wolf down 2 burritos and like 1 plate of fried rice he was sitting talking we grinded up the sedative 1 1/2 to be exact AGAIN IT IS SAFE, and put it his drink luckily he was drinking sprite and all of it floated to the top and he didn't notice since both were white.
Well quicker then we expected he upchucks a storm of burrito's and vomit all over the floor, he is on his knees half crying in pain and vomits another roar of vomit me and half the class who pulled this were just cracking up, he then sits on a chair and the teacher was calling nurse that exact second his face got all distorted and he sort of waddeled towards the door and in the blink of the eye he crapped himself this made everyone laugh. The teacher knew what happened and said we will never have a party in this class again, but the entire class didn't care because this was the best one ever.
Well that was the story the kid is probably scared for life, me and my friends got away scotch free and enjoyed our last day in school of 08 and it was the best ever. Apparently he had a "Allergic reaction" to the food oh well good for us, he did go home safely his only friend said he stopped pooping and throwing up 2 hours later.
Also Link i would watch out what you eat in your house XD.
Help me choose
by DivinitySkate on Comments
Well for christmas i want one videogame i narrowed it down to 2 choices
Call of Duty: World at War
Left 4 Dead
Well i love both because i love the mass killing of stuff and both are great games. I also want a ok multiplayer and both have the "horde" gameplay option. I'm leaning to Call of Duty but from what i experienced with left 4 dead it may be better. Help me choose.
I need:
Fun campaign
Ok multiplayer
Won't die on me fast
A game i know others will have
Please help me choose
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