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Fanboys never cease to amaze me

Look at this list some xbox 360 fanboy came to bash the PS3. I'm not a fanboy but i have to give this some props it must of took some time to come up with these biased opinions.

Give me your thoughts and feedback on this list.


1. It (the PS3) is expensive
2. Too many confusing SKUs
3. Lots of features dropped
4. No backward compatibility with PS2 for newer models
5. The CELL is hard to develop for
6. The controller has no rumble... wait now it does!
7. It tries to rip off Microsoft with the multiple SKU idea
8. Sony tried to rip off Nintendo with SIXAXIS
9. HOME has been delayed to the point MS has their answer to HOME already out
10. It caused Sony to go from undisputed number 1 to undisputed last
11. Controller is bad for FPS games
12. No exclusive WRPGs
13. Hardly any JRPGs
14. Most of its games are announced 3-5 years before actually coming out
15. Many of its games are delayed
16. Many of its games do not meet the hype (Lair comes to mind)
17. Even if they do meet the hype, they often fail when it comes to sales
18. LittleBigPlanet can get you in trouble if you make "tribute" levels
19. It has lost Square Enix support
20. Tekken 6 went multiplatform
21. It lost Ace Combat, Star Ocean, Tales of Vesperia and Katamari Damacy
22. Final Fantasy XIII went multiplatform
23. GTAIV went multiplatform AND none of the DLC
24. The graphics have not yet meet up the hype
25. Multiplat games look better on the Xbox 360
26. No achievements, trophy system is embarassing and only supported by like 5 games
27. PSN may be free but doesn't have all the great features LIVE has, plus LIVE is only like $4 a month
28. PSN's community isn't as vibrant as LIVE's. I bet there are more people playing Halo 3 then all of PSN's population
29. PS3 may have Blu-ray but you can stream 1080 movies on 360
30. Xbox 360 has Netflix
31. Sony has delayed so many things, even the PS3 (originally was supposed to release March of 06), they even delayed it in Europe
32. Its installs for games take forever and many of them are mandatory
33. The firmware updates take forever (some up to an hour) and can brick your PS3
34. Sony lost Assassin's Creed and GTAIV even though Ubisoft and Rockstar went to Sony first, but Sony denied them.
35. 360 has an answer to every game on the PS3 - Resistance 2 isn't as good as Halo 3 or Gears 2, LBP is a little better than Banjo but 360 has Fable II, and much more games.
36. 360 has more games, period. Yeah, the PS3 had 3 standout titles this year, but the 360 had dozens of good games that override those PS3 games 10fold.
37. Sony isn't going to developers this gen, they had a chance to team up with EPIC for a killer shooter to rival Gears, but Sony did not want to do it.
38. Gears of War, a Rockstar exclusive (not L.A. Noire or RDR2), an exclusive Bioware game, etc. etc. have all promised to come to the PS3 but never have and never will.
39. For the price of a PS3, you can get an Xbox 360, Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Banjo Kazooie N&B and Fable II.
40. The Xbox 360 has a promising future with Alan Wake, Halo: ODST, Halo Wars, Ninja Blade,  and many other games coming out.
41. Backward compatibility with the 360 with software updates, none for the PS3
42. PS3 probably won't be $200 for a couple years
43. 360 has many more family oriented games now, such as SceneIt (which interested my mom), You're in the Movies and Banjo Kazooie.
44. Gran Turismo 5 is probably, never coming out. Forza 3 is not only superior, but will probably be out before GT5.
45. Sony has tons of franchises they could use, but refuse to use them. Jak and Daxter, Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper, Syphon Filter, etc. etc.
46. More demos are on Xbox Live
47. As well as better arcade games (such as Braid and Castle Crashers)
48. More DLC for multiplats
49. Xbox 360 has good RTS, FPS, Platformers, Action Adventures, WRPGs, JRPGs, etc. etc. than the PS3. Overall a better package.
50. Xbox 360 has a better GPU
51. Sony has turned many full featured games into either PSN games (such as Siren and Wipeout) or taken out features all together, such as single player (Warhawk)
52. Many of its games are shorter than they should be (such as Uncharted, Heavenly Sword and MGS4)
53. PS3 doesn't have Halo 3.

I just beat gears of war 2

Yea i just beat it, i was slow but i wasn't playing it much due to school and stuff. Well i must say i'm really impressed my only complaint is the last boss is a little short i don't know if it was just me but i expirenced a glitch which may be the cause of this. My hammer of dawn was like automatic like 20 bursts came from the sky repeadetly i replayed the last level this didn't happen but the boss still felt short (to my standards) well yea i'll post up a review soon i won't spoil the game unless you really ask me to but it'll be in a PM.

I got gears 2

Well i got gears 2 but i can't even play it. I ditched school and me and some friends skated down to the mall and at gamestop got our copys. We ended up finding some black guy who barley spoke english to get it for us since were all under 17, he apparently thought we were trying to buy cigarettes and starting talking jibberish when we said thanks and were leaving. He followed us and threw a pine cone at my friend it was awkward but it worked! I can't wait to play. I have to study for a stupid spanish test but tommorow yay :D

Why to vote YES on prop 8

If prop 8 doesn't pass this country will go downhill. "Last time i checked the pledge says one nation under GOD." Well let me tell you one thing in the bible god doesn't like homo's at all in the old testmant he burned down a city of gays. It also says "no man shall sleep with another man." Also if prop 8 doesn't pass churches will loose funds and gays will have higher authority. Don't get me wrong i'm not a homophobe by any mean i agreed that gays should have the right to all things a normal married couple has EXCEPT to actually get married. The line should be drawn here Vote YES on prop 8, even if you believe equality is for all, thats there excuse because it's seriously moraly wrong for this to happen.

One thing i personally think that sums up all this.

"It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

California on fire AGAIN!?!

Yes because of santa anta winds we are completely screwed worst part is that the winds we had were suppose to be light hot winds, THERE'S MORE? AND HOTTER. There's smoke everywhere in Oceanside camp pedalton is again on fire and it's spreading fast apparently i swear if i get evacuated again i'll be pissed. So word out to Californians watch out and turn on the news your house may be next.

Also this may mean no school for 2 weeks again :D but still people getting there houses burned down is bad.

My thoughts on Gears of War 2 (may be shocking)

Gears of War 2:

Gears of War 2 will no doubt be a remembarble title in the series, with it's finally colorful graphics and one of only next gen games coming in early novemember (gears 2, resistance) with destructible enviroments. There's practically no leakage on the story as of all the next gen games so i guess i can't give a opinion on that. Multiplayer i will be honest with i do not look pleased, It's majorly overcrowded even though this is hard to believe since it's 10 people i do not like it. But other than that i see no difference besides smoke grenades detonate and the new wall sticking feature. I actually am dissapointed that the game virtually did not change much as in combat and cover techniques (not that is bad in the first) but really a small change could of been really apreciate. Another thing is i hope there is no glitches the first had so many glitches that it at times it made the game unplayable (literally the weapon switch glitch where you have no weapon is really annoying.) I'm relived to hear that host advantage is techinically gone but there will always be a host. But no word on booting people out and clan fuctions were really announced. That was my 2 cents on gears will make one on some other upcoming titles.

Video's of gears.



Campaign demo:

Multiplayer in-depth:

Multiplayer Cliff b interview:

Multiplayer Cliff b interview part 2:

Busted Blog.

Well after waiting like 2 weeks for a response to gamespot tech support they confirmed i have a "stuck blog" I cannot delete, edit, post or anything to it. So just post your comments for it on this one sorry >.>

Xbox 360 is catching up to the ps3 in six axis!!!

Yea you read right there is now a official complete six axis control which is very easy to install and will make all game six axis compatible link to website where you purchase it. . and a video showing it in action :D and another and another using a flight simulator

Take that ps3 take your supposedly six axis exclusive crap and shove it up your ass xD and yea Pharaoh this means all the ps3 has that we don't is wireless built in and blu ray.

And this works for all games meaning we get to use it more often i will shortly look for a pre made one on craigslist for a reasonble price if it's under $60 and has some sort of guarntee that it wont bust.

Noo summer is over!!!

Summer is over an back to school :( :( :( :( :(

well it's finally over and it went by to fast i guess it's back to studying and doing boring crap for school again and worst of all my schedule sucks ass i have no good clases with any of my friends. So now i have to go over and complain and get yelled at and make up a scene on how my imaginary brother or something has leukemia or how my uncle fought in the Iraq war to save your lazy ass or some stupid crap like i did last year...

Atleast i had some good times with my cousins over the summer and got to spend some good time with my friends and my last day of summer was by far the most funnest me and 5 other friends had a mega shopping cart war while on shrooms behind a walmart we later found ourselves in the back of a sears and i had some random towel which i was evidently spooning 0_0 .

Well that just about wraps this blog up tell me how your summer was.

Friends over pixels

Well this was bound to happen i had a friend named Chris. Chris isn't really a ordinary friend he challenges everyone in everything even if it's not his place. He was cool until he first got his xbox 360, then he became more and more obsessed with being the best. I wen't into high-school and drifted far away from my 360 too the point i didn't turn it on in two months.

I found my new social life much better then sitting on my ass and playing xbox live all day (no offense to people who do). Chris realized everyone drifted from him and became adapted into the highschool life style as in going into partys hanging out with friends. Of-course chris couldn't adapt to this lifestyle since you can't be "better" then someone else in reality. He then got frustrated when he would go to my house and my friends would play xbox for a max of 20 minutes, that 20 minutes was probably the only fun he had that day, he would glote on how he is a colonel on halo and how is so good, my friends thought he was joking and called him a **** nerd when they found out he wasn't, he then became pissed off for the rest of the day when we wen't out skating and were actually talking to girls from carlsbad, he started complaining and making excuses since he has absolutely no social skills at all. So he no longer enjoyed hanging out with me and i was absolutely find with that since i made 30+ better more social friends at a different school.

It really ended on a day i was tired and didn't wan't to skate or hang out much i just sorta wanted to relax and kick back and turn on the old 360. So i texted him and we were talking and he was gonna come over, he then made the most hugest mistake ever and started criticising my game library (oh yea i forgot to mention his choice of games has to better, also like his taste of music has to be on top 10 on itunes or else it sucks.) so i said lets play some gears of war (borrowed until i get gears of war refresh for cousin meina's house) and he then said "no were only gonna play halo 3" i exclaimed we can switch off so we can both be happy but he had to be a ***** about and say because i was worse then him i automatically made me not wanna play the game, i just simply said ok **** you sit on your ass by yourself with you f4gg0t xbox live friends (again no offense to people who only talk to people on xbox live.) and never come out o your small sh1tty room and take your 360 and shove it up your ass.

He then 2 days letter sent me a text that he didn't wan't to talk to me anymore (what a ****** b1tch i havn't talked to the f4gg0t for like 2 months and now he has to send me a official one saying were not friends?) I don't talk to alot of friends because i have diffrent groups but due to the fact he only has like 3 friends he doesn't have the chance to just ignore a friend. So well thats pretty much it i only did this for level up exp to be completley honest. So to sum it up halo 3 and xbox 360 corrupts you if you play it too much

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