I only bash the wii because it deserves it. It's like when you were in school. that little nerdy kid that still wets himself and has a perpetual runny nose with giant coke-bottle glasses. Of course you're going to make fun of him. Really, System wars can be described as a playground hierarchy. The 360 and the PS3 are always goofing off, doing their own thing, acting tough etc. but when the little wii comes around and starts trying to stand up to the big kids, The big kids team up, and the wii gets a swirly, and his lunch money disappears. I may dislike Microsoft, and I don't really want a 360, but by god, I'd FAR sooner own a 360 than a wii. I would almost be hesitant to accept a wii as a present. It's a useless waste of space in my eyes. There are only a small number of games I'd even want to play on the wii, and with an online service that is worse than the PSN was when it came out, I just can't see the purpose of owning a wii, unless you don't like playing huge flagship titles from big-name developers, but rather, watered down ports, at best, or mini-game spinoffs of said flagship titles. Then theres the endless sea of rejected shovelware games. I think the wii just asks to be bashed. And it's funny watching the fanboys try to defend it, fruitlessly. Because the fact is, most of the bashing is well deserved, and half the time, it's right!0rinAgreed. The wii deserves every ounce of critisism it receives. It raped my mother and killed my father.
DivinityUnited's forum posts
It's an indication that 7 SPE's are a pain in the ass to develop for. This is old news.Isn't that more of an indication that they're not good devs? :?
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"]I can bash any system I want and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.n1ntendorevO
I bet you got real far in life with that Motto. Doctor? Entrepreneur? Professor? Lawyer?
Good way to prove my point.
He's a maverick like John McCain, so he'll never be president.I came here to see yet another wii fanboy rant. I was sorely disappointed. The wii is a failure in my book. You can like it all you want, but really, I find it a pathetic attempt at printing money so Nintendo can come out with a real console next gen.0rin:lol: It's a hardcore gaming machine.
What significance? It's just a format for god sake's? :|
That it's an answer to piracy?:roll: This is important for the companies, and if piracy increases at an alarming rate(and it is increasing), companies could lose out profit, and they may not be able to afford as much to manufacture or distribute new media. That's why it's significant. I only mentioned the consoles with piracy, but the PCs are affected too. It's easy for many to pirate PC games, and the same goes for any handheld games. You know nothing of piracy (eyeroll graphic) . Most piracy is done via an external HDD. Even if this were the case, are there no such things as DVD burners? How many people in here have burners capable of writing dual layer DVD9s?Seems like a really poor version of crayon physics.VandalvideoTHey're actually the best crayon physics i've ever seen.
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