Installed this game on PC. My first thought was oh god the graphics are horrendeus. I'm not one to dismiss a game for graphics but it looked so terrible my eyes hurt. Some games made in 2006 have better graphics.
@Warfighter_971 @Salt_AU I'm waiting for the day that PC and console gamers unite. I love my PC for certain games but there are some crazy good exclusives on my PS3, just look at The last of us.
@RicanV @Kozakv @shingui5 Here's how pirating works. You download a game, you like that game, you go buy the game. Pirates are known to be the greatest consumers.
Yes, the game will probably be pirated by most of the people who signed the petition but aren't we overlooking something here? People know what to expect when a new GTA installment comes out. Those who would have otherwise bought the game on PC probably got it for consoles instead.
Most of the people who have signed this petition aren't sure if they want the game at all. You also have a big percentage of people who want to download the game but would never pay for it even if piracy did not exist. Out of those people, many will buy the game simply because they got to try it. People who would never buy it are talking about the game.
Also, if you look at the stats people who pirate buy allot more legal stuff than those who don't. Piracy as a bad thing is a myth created by those who cannot move into today's world. Groups like the Mafiaa are brainwashing young children into believing that they are right. They now have classes in schools in California to "teach" the error of our ways.
Dnaisinmybody's comments