Think about ''smart'' phones. They are in fact the most gimmicky, cheap, sheep herding tools ever created which is why they sell so fucking much of them. The best people to market to if you only care about the money are those sheep. Microsoft with the new Xbox is aiming exactly for that. They want to cater to those who think Angry birds is the same thing as Call of duty and Call of duty the same as let's say the MGS series.
It is an insult to all the gamers out there, but I can't say I really care because Microsoft has been insulting people since the first Crapbox which I desperately tried to like. The only thing I care for is that Sony has competition so that it doesn't lower its standards. The fact that Microsoft simply stopped caring about video games leaves me a bit worried about the future of Playstation. On the other hand, Sony hasn't gotten much competition in the past few years and still keeps doing the exact opposite of everyone else and just keep giving more and more.
@humanoid_K People dislike gamestop because they are dumb enough to trade in games for rip off prices. Everything else is just fine. Half the games I want are cheaper at Gamestop than even online. Gamestop won't die because the 360 users are smaller in numbers and they are about to switch to the PS4.
@gamer20482 I hope someone steals a bunch like they did with the Wii U except this time I want them to find the shipment right from the source and make sure those systems go extinct before they're even out on the market...
Oh wait, what am I saying? I want the system to come out so I can see them fail miserably hahaha!
I don't care much for the Xbox One, but Microsoft made sure I won't even bother to take a look at it. If a friend of mine gets one and wants me to play, I'll be like ''What? So you want me to play with your cable box?" Idiots.
Dnaisinmybody's comments