@HonorOfGod @Rayzakk Anybody with just a bit of computer skills and free time on his hands can hack your wi-fi easy. I do have a wi-fi router but I use it for my consoles. My PC is still connected with a cable and it will remain the same until they become non-existent.
@Vodoo Only one thing you forgot to mention. If there's only 1 good song in an album maybe it is that the song you're listening to is also absolute crap and you've been brainwashed to listen to crap so you listen to that 1 song in an album instead of trying to find an album which you can sincerely enjoy as there are still thousands of new artists who make real music.
@Metallicwolf29 I remember the time where games you see on mobile phones used to be free and just a passtime on the computer at school or in the library because there was no other good games to play. Now people actually buy these ''games'' and even worst they love to pay for them so much that Angry Birds is now a console title. I was no less than insulted when I saw that for the first time. 40$ for what? A game I should be able to play for free online??
To top it off, most gaming sites are making fools of themselves revewing games that should'nt even exist in the first place.
@Brixtan Why charge a dollar for a Mario game when you have some fans willing to pay 40-60$ for the same material? Nintendo has been overcharging people so much for such simplistic games ever since they came out with the Wii, it's almost an insult to those of us who actually enjoy them.
@Suikogaiden YEA. I'm going to buy a vita so I can play 3ds games. That makes allot of sense. Are you even on the right internet site? I think you meant to post this on Iamamoron.com
@broost1 Crysis never had a soul. I don't get why people are tripping about these games. The first one was created just to showcase new graphics and people aknowledge that and didn't expect much else from the game. Now people talk about Crysis like it was the greatest piece of evolution of humanity!!
@1wikkid1 Lol, I know how you feel when you talk about stupid AI. I just got RE5 on PS+ and there's no way I'm playing the missions on single player mode!!
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