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Doc__Roe Blog

Real E-company pictures

authentic pictures so i gues you can  decide for yourself just how good of a job the casting people for Band of Brothers did.

youll kind of have to scroll down to find easy company but theyre there and Hall(( Winters' first dead soldier)) should be near the top

and please tell me if the website doesnt work!

wrong time

they got the times wrong on the bottom of my posts where it says what time i posted it

basically the only thing in the book about roe

"The medics were the most popular, respected and appreciated men in the company. . .He [Roe] was there when he was needed, and how he got 'there' you often wondered. He never received recognition for his bravery, his heroic servicing of the wounded. I recommended him for a Silver Star after a devastating firefight when his exploits were typically outstanding. Maybe I didn't use the proper words and phrases, perhaps Lt. Dike didn't approve, or somewhere along the line it was cast aside. I don't know. I never knew except that if any man who struggled in the snow and the cold, in the many attacks through the open and through the woods, ever deserved such a medal, it was our medic, Gene Roe."

when Band of Brothers plays on TV

i noticed that when you look at about the show or whatever about Band of Brothers, it says it aired last on November 1, 2001, but i wanted to let everyone kno it plays weekends at 9:00 in the morning on History channel

Doc Roe's prayer

in Bastogne, there is a scene with Eugene Roe in his foxhole saying a prayer, but much of it is sort of under his breath. Here is what he says just in case your curious:

Lord, Grant that i shall never seek  

So much to be consoled as to console 

To be understood as to understand

Or to be loved as to love 

With all my heart, 

With all my heart.

                                    kind of a short post but there'll be more Doc Roe receiting prayer in his foxhole

About me

u problably kno im new so ill start with some stuff about me...not too personal of course maybe more about band of brothers

so far my first and only review is about Band of Brothers--- my faveorite miniseries/movie ever also my fave book i guess most of my blogs will be about Band of Brothers. I would be able to answer many questions about Band of Brothers or History in General. History is my faveorite and best subject so i guess i sort of naturally venture into war movies and when i came across Band of Brothers i was exstatic or wutever that word is.

im pretty bad with writing so ill post more tomorrow

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