The Lost Age did end like there might be a new one. It was a weird set of games, the 2nd was way harder and about 20 hours longer, and it had more stuff, it was kind of like an expansion pack. I would enjoy it if they made a new one though, there were no good RPG's on the gameboy. Well, none that could match GS anyways.
I hated that the dream cast failed. I had one, and it had the best graphics of the time, it was awesome. It wasn't overpriced or anything. But, there were almost no games. I had Soul Calibur one and that's it. But it was still rad. They didn;t even sell them where i lived. I couldn't believe how under-rated it was.
Marth is better because he's faster. The best player is Ness lol.Roy is really really strong but he's easy to beat because he's slow. And plus Marth's counter attack position lasts longer than Roy's.
My favorite system is the SNES and it always will be. Second is The regular NES. Think about it, it had all our favrote classic series on it. It's classic, and that's why i love it.
It's way too damn expensive. 700$?The PS2 costed 300 dollars less, and it was way better. there are not many games for the PS3, while the Wii and 360 rule on. I hate the Wii, and the XBOX 360 is awesome, and that's why it's winning right now. Because the XBOX is better, more games, less expensive. Do the math, just because you like the PS and the PS 2 doesn't mean that you have to pick the next generation over something that's better.
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