More RPG's! Less racing! What the hell is with racing! You do one thing the entire game! The only changes in the game is that it gets harder! It's stupid! Also, less GAY fighting games, like the new mortal combats. They lick nut. I am going to cheer the new Soul Calibur
No you are not emo. If the **** idiots in this forum say you are, then they are all **** retarded because emo is not even a **** word. I HATE the people who use the word like that. It's ridiculous really. You are calling somebody something that has to do with the way they feel by judging the clothes they wear? What the **** Are you people insane? People are allowed to look and dress the way they want without worrying about what ****heads like you people are going to think of them. And plus if you hate "Emos" or w/e, and call people "Emos" guess why they are so called? Because of ****-asses like you people! Get a **** life, and stop trying to make others miserable, ****
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