@Cephrien Read more of what the players are saying... most that have bought it really enjoy it... the ones that say it suck are hanging onto reviewers words like it's the words of Jesus Christ Himself.
@punksterdaddy And this is why I'm commenting so much on this review. I'm trying to dispel some of the negativity surrounding this game, when folks like yourself have not even spent one minute with it to make your own decision about the game itself.
@Bri1812 @pgrammus I'm sure it's fun to be blatantly ignorant to the truth, but had you played both versions, you would see that he's being completely honest.
@aovannor @DonRoosevelt @billlabowski If the first batch don't all support 1920x1080... I'm almost 100% positive that all games will not far down the line.
DonRoosevelt's comments