1. Animal Crossing: Wild World ( for the car trip )
2. Mario Strikers: Charged ( for fun )
3. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption ( for fun )
1. Animal Crossing: Wild World ( for the car trip )
2. Mario Strikers: Charged ( for fun )
3. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption ( for fun )
started on Wednesday. What it is, is a giant Midway/Theme Park that comes to Edmonton every summer. There are tons of rides, events, and things to do. Last year, I won a Knuckles plush. There is a also a Nintendo van where you can play against other people. Count me in! If you see a tall neardy guy, that's probably me. :lol:
I'm going this Monday from 12:00 ( opening ), till' around 5:00. Last time I stayed till' after dinner hours, I got into a fight. Ciao!
I'm bored. I've beaten almost every game I have, my friends or on vacation, and I just have nothing to do...
It doesn't help that were packing everything up to move in 2 weeks. 2 weeks with nothing to do. Luckily, that will change when I move. I can go to the ocean, buy more videos games, and best of all, we get our new house. The house has 7 bedrooms. :o
The bad? It will take 5 days to drive there...
Its decent. Its nowhere near as good as the past films, but its decent. The special effects were amazing, and the battle between Harry/Dumbledore and Voldemort was amazing. The rest of the movie... not so much.
For one, where the **** was Ron? Ron's my second favorite character and he got pushed aside by Neville Longbottom and his hot sister. I'd usually turn this into a pr0n themed discussion over which HP character is the hottest, but I have more to discuss. That can come later...:lol:
It just didn't have the charm; speaking of charm, where were all of the old characters? Magonegal, Hagred ( my fav ), Dracko, and the lot of them. The book was far better IMO. I'd give it a 7/10.
----boy's only----
Who do you think is hotter? Hermione, Ginny, or Luna?
Right now, there are two for the Wii that I really want. One is based around my new banner, and the other one is none other than Super Mario Galaxy.
At first, I was sceptical about Dewy, but after watching more and more videos, I became impressed. So much that this game is now #4 on my most-wanted list. Super Mario Galaxy on the other hand, is #1.
After watching this, you'll understand why.
Nintendo Conference= 40% Youtube videos, 57% Non-games, and 3% Games we actually care about.
The only things I liked were the release dates for Brawl and Galaxy, as well as Mario Kart. Miyamoto chose to talk about Wii-fit over Super Mario Galaxy? For shame!
No Brawl trailer, no nothing. The Brawl update for today was awful as well.
Everything you could want! Video Games, Comedy, and Pr0n.
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