I'll start off by naming 5 top-reasons.
1. "Aim for the horn!"
2. The trainers are really dumb. Remember when Ash gave away his Haunter? Butterfree? Yeah... if he wants to become the Pokemon master, why does he leave some of his captures? He runs into so many wild Pokemon, and doesn't even attempt to capture them.
3. This sort of coincides with above. In nearly every movie, he runs into a legendary Pokemon. Why doesn't he try to catch it?
4. Why is Ash overpowered? Remember when Cyndaquil beat Steelix? Pikachu nearly K.Os Team Rocket every episode. Is that even possible? I don't care if Pikachu is the "mascot" of Pokemon, his stats blow and can be taken out in one hit.
5. More game-breaking rules. Remember when Pikachu jumped onto Swellow and provided an electric shield? Or the time Pikachu beat Milotic? So what if its an Electric type, Milotic's special defense is excellent and has some of the best stats in the game.
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