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Donkeljohn Blog

Missing days

So yesterday I missed my journal entry. It was a big family day and my brothers in law had every right to their computer.
No B&W2, but I did get some turkey. . .

More later

Reset and all set

When I awoke this morning. . .or was it afternoon. .. after an extensive B&W2 session I found that my save data was non-existant.

Troubling to say the least, as I had completed a good portion of the single-player campaign. I was about to deliver the final, powerful blow to the Japanese nation when I decided sleep was a wiser course of action. Unfortunately, since my data was gone I had to play through the whole thing all over again.

As it happened, my save data is still there. My brothers in law run Windows XP so, I had signed in on a different account, and my save data was not available to that particular account, even though the game was. . . go figure.

I don't know if I am grateful or resentful. . . either way Black and White 2 is a load of fun.

I have a habit of watching things I don't like. . . such as The Island (the summer flop, hailed by both my father and brother in law as an epic tale). Since the movie is a reimagined, though gutless, redeaux of the 1977 sci-fi epic Logan's Run (which just happened to have been eclipsed by a little movie called Star Wars) I figured I'd pass. But, tonight, I caved and watched the predictable, special-effects-laden story of two people searching for identity and survival. After concluding that tale, we watched the Brothers Grimm. . . similarly unamused.

Now, with a full mind of sad media, I am off to bed. Perhaps tonight I may rest well.

"Why do I have to be the one to tell the kids Santa isn't real?"

Black and White

Today I played Black and White 2 for the first time. My brothers in law have it installed on their gaming PC. Very nice.

I followed the previews, and watched the videos on GS, but had not played it until now. It really lived up to my expectations.

I am particularly impressed by the influence options.Particularly since you are rewarded with good karma for peacefully converting everyone, rather than decimating them by a show of force. This was the innovation I was looking for, not just from RTS games, but also from RPGs and other game options.

A lot of players are looking for a harder edge and a t\darker tone, but I respect a game that allows you to choose the tone of your behavior.

. . . I also liked B&W2 because you are playing an RTS but it doesn't feel like an RTS. Much more casual. That is my speed. I will leave competitive gaming to others.

Speaking of competitive gaming, I tried to convince my wife the other day I am practicing to be a competitive, full-time Lumines player. She wasn't interested. . . something about not providing enough support for a family.

The game is deep.

Head Out On a Distant Highway

Christmas travels always cause me stress. It just so happens I am sitting at work with a mountain of work to do and I am not particularly motivated to do it. I would just as soon be at home packing or spending time with my wife.

The thought of fighting crowds in the airports across the country tomorro is not making me feel excited.I'd just as soon take my week off of work and hang at home. That is evidently not the way it is to be.

At least I can look forward to spending a week with my in-laws. It is important to her. . . y'know who.

. . . Haven't ben home in a year or more.

Dogged and Relentless

Halo Zero came out. I played it on Saturday. I enjoyed the 2-D reinterpretation of one of the best 3-D games out there.

Keep an eye out for that, it is a worthwhile experience.

I may live in the 90s still, while pining for the 80s, but that may be just what I liked about a side-scrolling shooting experience.

It's out there.

Back to the XP grind

Today I got dinged.

Automotive repairs: $315.00

Time spent doing work: 8 hours

Time spent playing FFII: 3 hours

This is not a Saturday. . . this is a sensory deprivation tank!

. . .okay that is a tad extreme, I did make some excellent progress in accumulating battle points (Face it XP doesn't come from anything else, just killing stuff).

Retro Gaming Goodness

What is the deal with all of the rereleasing of past hits? I'm not talking about PS2 best sellers, I'm talking about the Atari classics collections!

I'll tell you what is up with that. Game publishers realized self-styled, classic-video-game aficianados (such as myself) have fond memories about the games of yore and they have more money than the core market of 13-to-21-year-old males.

Now they have wrapped these classic packages into one large package, put a new price point on it--for a new platform--and set it loose within the marketplace. Because the product has reached the mullet decline in the product life cycle, the relative price is lower than when it debuted:

That means you can get more of the games for your money than you would for a brand new game. This appeals to budget conscious consumers (including parents), and gives you the sense that you can have more games for your shiny new console than you did before.

This strategy has not only been strategically delivered in game collections, but also in the overnight sensation known as Xbox Live Arcade. Don't call it a come-back that service has been here for years. Only now has it gained momentum because the scores actually accrue you online accomplishment points!

Now Joust not only nets you a high score on the Live Leaderboards, but also provides accomplishment points for added bragging rights. When I heard J Allard talk about the accomplishments being posted on Live, I thought he had taken one too many mountainbiking spills, now I think he has brought games in a full circle.

When I listen to the Hotspot and I hear Jeff trash talking with Carrie, or Rorie throwing out his smack I know scoring is back. Can you believe this? What happened to finishing the game? What happened to level cap attainment? I thought we were making progress. But in the end, it all comes back down to Clear/Reliable Accomplishment Proof (CRAP) units.

How retro.

"Isn't that nice. . . like Miami Vice?"

The End of Infotainment

So the year is winding down and everybody's favorite online pastime. . . second-favorite online pastime is churning to a halt.

Yes, boys and girls. . . GameSpot is all but closed for the rest of the year. Come Q4 I never know what is more fun:

  • Playing games
  • Reading about new and exciting games I'll never play

It is quite a dilemma with such a premium on time and a shortage of coin. But that is why I tune in to GameSpot. With the updates trickling to a slight drip, I may have to content myself with checking the site less than nine times a day.

Go A's!!!

Heaven's no I am not a sports fan!

But if ever there was a great baseball team, it would be--and continues to be--the A's.

I was merely reveling in my "A" grade in Organizational Behavior. Slam dunking the final sure helped. Ah, sweet victory.

Now to get ready for Statistics. . . and that other class I'm taking next Quarter.

Another one bites the dust

I might be rocking out a bit too hard, but I just sent another application to a game company.

Let's see how this one turns out. I was passed over by SCEA, but that was to be expected. Some time this week I may even hear back from the company I actually interviewed with. . . who would have thought?

Also, public solicitations for GS editorial support have gone unanswered. Perhaps it is time to follow up.


Consider me registered.