I've been listening to the Criterion Games's Crash FM podcasts lately. While I am really excited about the upcoming DLC on July 10, something else the boys at Criterioin have been discussing has been of interest: getting 202%.
How does one beat not only 100% but also 200% in a game? You beat it on two consoles. The first time I played through Paradise, the experience was rather taxing. Tonight I blazed through 200 smashes, 60 billboards, and a decent number of jumps on my office's PS3 in a scant two hours. I have to say restarting the whole experience was just as exciting as the first time I played through this year's first great racer. After spending roughly 120 hours with the 360 version, I've come to know where a lot of the shortcuts, onjectives, and destinations are.
Having completed everything in the 360 version necessary to unlock 101% completion and the platinum finishes, I am seriously considering the smooth voice of GameSpot, Frank Adams, and a particular GameSpot alum in some PS3 burning out. By completing both versions to the zenith of offline possibility, a player qualifies for what the Burnout Team refers to as 202. It is a sick twist on my completion obsession, but one that has never seemed so fun. If any of you have the PS3 version, let me know. I'd be happy to play some challenges online; I'm looking at you Rawr.
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