how? my 360 is clear across my house and the apadter wont work because my wireless router is too far awaybut can i just buy a $80 modem and hook it up to the back of my xbox 360 without it by my computer
my 360 isnt by my computerbut can i still buy a modem and then use the ethernet to connect to the back of the modem im getting???
so i got the linksys game adapter all excitied and what notand so i set it up and get my wireless apadpter ready and test the connection and 4 the 3rd time it dosent workwat is wrong nothing ever works out for me
do u want it..........yeado u need it..........yealet me hear ya.........ladies and gentleman lolgood song choice and cool featuresyea i like it alot too
theres no way ucan do thatwhere would u fit that thing in thereit has its own special card slot thingbut look on the sprint website for anything else that could maybe convert it into a usb
i found this thing its the NETGEAR WALL PLUGGED ETHERNET BRIDGE (i cant link it but u ccan copy and paste it on google)anyway i was wondering if i could plug my ethernet cord to the back of my 360 elite and then the the ethernet bridge.thnx 4 tha help
how? my 360 is downstairs and my computers upstairs. and theres no tv by my tv.wat i meant was wat do i need to hook up xbox live(cables, ethernet etc..)
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