@plasticreality Oh quit your moaning and bitching. You act like just because people buy a shitty game, all developers will make shitty games now. There will always be great high quality games, just because a few are shitty and people buy them doesn't mean what you think it does. You're just bitching to bitch like the rest of the cry babies on this site.
@WingChopMasta You don't want to live on this planet anymore because people buy shitty video games? That's a pretty pathetic reason not to want to live here anymore.
You guys are acting like you will never use your Ps3 again when Ps4 comes out. If you want to play a Ps3 game you will have a Ps3 to play them on. Why all the bitching about not being able to play Ps3 games on your Ps4 if you already have a Ps3? You guys are a bunch of whiners.
@Feedbackula @holhardy So why can't you just play your ps3 games on your Ps3? I don't see what the big deal is. What are you going to throw your Ps3 off a five story building as soon as you buy a Ps4? I don't get all the complaining.
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