Every comment on here is complaining about the score. Shut the hell up you little cry baby cowards. If you loved the first one you knoe the second will be great too. Just because it didn't get a 10 you're going to cry about it? Bunch of two year old little babies.
@tgwolf Idiotic comment. You have no idea what this game is. It isn't a shooter moron. Do some research before you make yourself look like a total tool next time.
@Rafelito45 @Cerebralreaper6 Honestly I couldn't stand BF3 either, but I totally disagree that it's because it was too much like call of duty. It's nothing like call of duty. The problem with BF3 is that the maps are just way too big for consoles when you only have 12v12. It's a total joke to be honest. I don't understand your comparisons to call of duty though in which the maps are very small.
Where the hell is episode 2? They are already a month late and they can't even post a release date? I like the game but this is just pathetic on Tell Tale games part.
Doobsac's comments