@Wawas20 @yostryk @JLCrogue That does not mean humans in general are evil at all. Everyone might want money, but many people are satisfied making enough money to let them live a comfortable lifestyle and nothing more.
@Wawas20 @chaosbrigade @JLCrogue Because most legitimate news sites actually have sources to back them up, and you can easily find backup for their information.
Also, using your own logic: How do you know that everything on Crogue's site was true? You can use that faulty question with ANYTHING.
@Wawas20 @_Silent_Jay_ @JLCrogue When did Silent Jay say ANYTHING about Crogue mentioning the Illuminati? He pointed out that the SITE talked about Illuminati conspiracy theories. In other words, the site is chalk-full of conspiracies and thus is nowhere near a reliable source of info.
If you're going to criticize someone for calling Crogue out, at least read his post properly.
@Wawas20 So its better for a game company that has NO experience in cancer research to start their own program, when they would have to spend even more of the donated money to get up to speed compared to other, already existing programs, than it is to donate it to a company that is already established and knowing that the majority of the money will go to actual research?
Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
And your last part makes no sense "Cancer will never be cured, so they shouldn't have donated it to fix cancer. Instead, they should've donated the money to fix cancer BETTER!"
@JamDev Just because something is jarring and stands out from the norm does not necessarily mean that it's something that should be done. Aside from the VGX, another example is how Capcom handled the DmC reboot with the whole drastic change to Dante. Sure that got Capcom a lot of attention for the game, but it was almost all negative attention, and as a result the game sold poorly for a DMC game not because of lack of merits such as bad gameplay, but because of the controversy.
The same logic applies here: Just because someone breaks the monotony doesn't mean it's a good thing to have him, because McHale broke the monotony by insulting everything that the awards were about.
Well said Danny! This is incredibly on the mark and I completely agree on how the awards were flubbed up. That being said, it's not as if people have given up trying to get games and gamers to be seen in a respectable light - Geoff Keighley shows this by how he tries so hard to keep the show respectable, and you also have people like Adam Sessler who, regardless of if you agree with his opinions or not, does show that gamers can and are just as intelligent as anyone else.
The problem we're having isn't as much the apathy towards being shown as this, but the sheer stubbornness from the mainstream media, who refuse to see gaming as nothing more than a big punching bag and running gag that they can get potshots in, because they obviously don't want to change. Joel McHale is a perfect example of this, as he didn't care if gamers can be mature or not, and just wanted to take potshots based on old and outdated notions of what a gamer is.
Also, Gamesmaster was the best videogame show ever.
Doomerang's comments