HAH! and i thought nobody would say jet force gemini 2 i loved that game when i was younger...but ya a new killer instinct would be nice even tho it prolly be excusive for 360 idk y i said that cuz i have one....and mgs4 for 360 im still crossin my fingers forMGS4 coming to the 360
Jade Empire2
Perfect Dark2
Killer Instinct3
Jet Force Gemini2
Crimson Skies 2
DoomglooM's forum posts
damn that sucks....nd duh! how the hell did u do that?
ya i was playin gta4 and the screen was all distorted with lines and fuzzyness but it still played fine....next day i got a black sceen that said contact xbox support in like 12 different languages, and it had one line of red on the power button...so i sent mine in like a week ago, ihad to get a box and cushion support and stuff this time...i got an email from em on the 16th saying they just recieved it....so im hopin itl be back by xmas....if not o well ill just have to wait....this is my 2nd 360 and the first one messed up too...cept it was a white screen and it said to play this game put it in a xbox 360 console....mann i was like wtf! i was pissed....but for that one microsoft sent me a box and everything so theyve gotten lazy....idk its alright tho instead of paying more money for games like banjo tooie n stuff im playin them on my n64 thats like over 12 years old! and still works fine...i just need more controllers...anyways idk im gonna make abagel....when microsoft gives u bull$hit make bagels!
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