from what ive heard...sorry to say..but youre screwed...dammit nintendo why cant you release a patch for that already?! you patched the other regions!Cronaroth
For PS3 the one you pick might actually make a huge difference. One of my friends has one that barely gets signal 2 rooms away while another's cuts off frequenty from 1 room away. I have a D-Link and I get %97 signal through 3 walls. Lazy_Boy88
This is most of my collection, some stuff is not in the pics like my xbox,dreamcast,saturn and some other random junk. so yea tell me if you like it or not./>jessehh
Is that a red micro with a different face plate? I'm just wondering because I have a red micro and i want to make mine look that good.
[QUOTE="DopeyDavoid"]Red = Standby Yellow = Internet connected standby No light = Offaguynamedbrad
Red = Completely off
Yellow/Orange = Standby
No light = Unplugged
WRONG! If you knew anything about electronics and such then it would be obvious. red = standby yellow = internet connected standby no light = off/unplugged Why is red stanby? BECAUSE THERE IS POWER GOING THROUGH THE UNIT! How do you think the red light is staying red?!? It doesn't matter that it is only the red light being powered, it is still using electricity (about 1w (thanks the the guy above somewhere)). Also, if you want to go by the dictionary: "on standby, in a state of readiness to act, respond, or be used immediately when needed." (Quoted from That's not refering to the power specifically, but it still means the red light falls under the catagory of standby.
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