@spoonybard-hahs The sources are in the government documents that you can find at certain libraries in Washington D.C. I live very close to there so I did my research there.
@dakkafex Actually research into government documents at libraries in Washington D.C. and you will find plenty of evidence there. By believing the media you are just being sheep (or zombies).
@EdensFall A lot of those things have been highly exaggerated by the media, like the lynching of blacks. If you want to believe the media and teachers and professors go ahead you are the one being blind. People believe that all blacks were slaves prior to the civil war, but if you would actually study history like I do you would know that there was blacks in Government, like in the house and senate. Bet you did not know that. Before believing all the lies. Look around for yourself and find the truth. But do not look at what the media tells you they are all communists and fascists.
@armydominican69 You make me laugh and make me sick...wow all in a few sentences. The 1950s was a time of morality and when the U.S. was the way it should of been. Now everything is socialistic, media controlled. If you want to live that kind of life you are more messed up than originally perceived.
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