^^. I see many people on the forums express real hate about Final Fantasy XIII. I see things changing in a good direction. For example
1. Story isn`t concentrated on one or two characters(i.e. FF8,FF9, and FF10)
2. No leveling up
3. Combat system looks like it very fast and innovative to me at least
4. Some characters didn`t follow the usual Japanese aesthetics like Fang, Lightning, and Sazh.
There are elements that I wish weren`t in there like linearity, tutorials, and fixed parties but those don`t cast aside this game. I know many people said that this is piece of crap all the way to this doesn`t bring nothing new to the table. I have also played many other Final Fantasies which to me brought the same old gameplay and story(love story) this one will change the course of the franchise. Gameplay to me was action based and was to me very interesting which actually could bring in more fans that never liked RPGs lately and that where all RPGs are going Japanese or Western. If anybody talking how JRPGs bring nothing new to the table then nobody has played Nier which blows always all JRPG`s conventions and still got underappreciated to me. Nier was like God of War meets Final Fantasy the professionals today are all about graphics in which why it got mixed reviews. I agree FFXIV was rushed and disappointing but is now getting a reboot which I hope that Square Enix has learned it lesson. Final Fantasy Versus XIII could be liked Mass Effect and go the shooter route which would probably get more people angry. If a western studio did get their hands on Final Fantasy which some want it would most likely be obsidian because they are also developing Dungeon Siege III. I can also remember a short time people were mad about a certain franchise getting rebooted by a western developer and how the main character look i.e Devil May Cry. If Obsidian develops the next Final Fantasy how would it look and how would it feel and would look Final Fantasy like or Western-style RPG like ask those things to yourselves people. Agree with me or not? Why?
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