@emarati999 @DouglassIndust Well some of us wasted our money on the 360 when it came out and guess what you had to buy the right one that works like a charm or buy one and have the red ring of death or have your reader not read like it should.
Also how do we know that the new xbox isn't gonna have as much technical problems when it comes out? i mean remember the red ring of death for the 360, maybe they made sure this time that nothing bad will happen to it. But I'm sure there will be a load of problems because new hardware = new viruses
As I said in the other post with Obama and his 10 million dollar research into violent video games...Pulling the trigger on a gun is not the same as pushing your right trigger on your controller. And yet they can't understand that and probably never will either.
@MW2ismygame @kcender08 How about you, me and all the rest of these guys go knock some sense into these losers, I mean after all you are Vaas you freakin have an army of pirates DO SOMETHING!!!
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