@sketchu MS specifically told us they didn't focus on games, they went and did other things like make it so you can watch live Tv and so much more. Whereas, Sony only went for what the developers and gamers wanted most of their time. And both consoles are very very much alike, sure the Ps4 is a games targeted machine and is likely gonna turn devs toward it. But, the Ps4 is also a SoC so that could affect preformance in games.
The Xbox one is considered to do more beyond gaming like implementation, and with Xbox one being able to have Directx 11 in games is just insane. Xbox one also is winning bandwidth for the GPU with 32MB ESRAM(102gbs a second) but if your gonna be using this RAM a lot its total is 168gbs a second. The framebuffer is way more complex than the Ps4's and is what Devs are used to working with right now.
Also, the consumer world is watching and predicting the DEATH OF CONSOLES because people most likely play on tablets more than consoles and how a lot of businesses are doing or going free-to-play with their games. I can tell you right now though, it won't happen anytime soon. Ps4 may be the most powerful console made for this generation, but I think MS will have a comeback next generation.
And it doesn't matter if ppl think their console is better, cause its just personal preference. Yes I'm an Xbox fan and always will be, but that don't mean that I think the Playstations are crap.
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