some wise words there :) my collection is ensured for that reason and my kin know what to do with it if anything happens you're welcome to come, it's gonna be a long drive tho probably :p@DrRetro:
You misunderstand me, sir... When I call you a "geek", it is a matter of reverence! I am in awe of some of the collection pics in this thread, and you have a BEE-U-TEE-FUL collection. The store display cases are a fine touch.
No, I mean NO insult when I post on Legacy. Never. I think some around here will back me up when I say that I have ALWAYS been a champion of this sort of behaviour, we need more gamer-geeks around who treat their collection with nothing less than interactive-museum status. It is my dream to one day see a proper Video Game Hall of Fame (like the one for Rock'n'Roll in Cleveland). Gaming has become so fast-paced, so million-dollar-throw-away, that great old stuff is being lost forever. Oft-forgotten. And that is a CRIME.
With a collection such as yours, displayed as it is, I can sleep at night. SOMEONE cares as much as I DO.
Hey, for those who have these amazing collections... I know this is going to sound nuts, but I'm gonna throw it out there anyway:
Make some sort of LEGAL provision for these impressive collections, should anything happen to you. Stipulate that the collection must be sold to another CARING "professional", who will treat it as you have... Nothing scares me more than to think this sort of gold mine would make it into the hands of an unscrupulous profiteer...
I think amazing collections like this should make it into a facility where other gamers down through history may come and drink it all in. Your gamer friends must LOVE coming over to the house.
Kin'I Come Too? I promise not to be grabby, and wear a bib for the drool...
You have my RESPECT, sir... You ALL do!
~Der Monkinator~
DrRetro's forum posts
well maybe you know all the different types of landscaping found in The Shire? :p Atleast I'm a bigger retro gaming geek ^^Well, I finally have visual proof that my girlfriend is wrong... I am NOT the biggest geek on the planet.
I wanted all different NES variants, it's about 20 of them afaik so i'm not even near complete ^^ As for the Wii, I picked em up cheap thanks for the kind words everyone :) be sure to check out the other vids on FacebookWell done. Nicely organized in original boxes. But 3 NES and Wii consoles? That is different. I just have 1 of each console. Excellent collection. You are organized and it order.

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