I think they will be around 15 to 16 million by the time the numbers come in for the end of 2007.
With a rumored price cut around the release of GTA4, another possible price cut by late 2008 (we'll see a $199 version) and a new version on the X360 (I think we will see the X360 w/built in HD-DVD sometime in 2008) will all lead to MS selling between 25 and 30 million consoles by the end of 2008.
Well I used to own a 360 for quite a while. Oblivion was great, Bioshock was good.....everything else was boring generic first person shooters. So then I decide to see what PS3 games are available just to compare the systems. I see a game called Folklore.....looks awesome.....but of course not available on 360. I see Uncharted......looks awesome.....but of course not available on 360. Then I see that PS3 is also getting FFXIII, and the 360 isn't. So that made up my mind. I don't want to spend the next couple of years playing nothing but the endless generic first person shooters on the 360. So I sell my 360, get a PS3, and wow what a difference!! The PS3 is awesome!! VERY well built!! Free online!! Much better operating system!! Sixaxis is awesome!! Bluray is awesome!! And much better exclusives with less generic boring first person shooters!! And lately games like Uncharted have proven the PS3 has better graphics than the 360 too.
IMO, the PS3 is a true next gen system, and the 360 is not.
If what I saw over these last two weeks at Best Buy, Gamestop and Circuit City, the X360 is going to make MS entertainment division a very hefty profit next earnings.
I waited in line to purchase 2 X360 games this weekend and in the process witnessed people ask about the Wii and 3 X360 get sold in front of me.
At Best Buy the piles of PS3 stay the same, there are no Wiis and I also witnessed X360 being sold.
I think this holiday will be one of X360s most successful yet.
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