This was a very hard question for me to answer, and it will just get harder once November comes around (can't wait for the kick-ass games comin' out).
So this is how I stand as of right now,
The top game would have to be Metal Gear Solid 4 - PS3 Because it is the most epic, fun, game I've ever had the pleasure of playing and has had the best story of any game yet on the Playstation 3
PSP- God Of War: Chains of Olympus Why? Because it is pure action and there is little down time, and the only downside is the shortness of the game.
Wii- Super Smash Bros. Brawl Dude, just an awsome fun sequal.
DS- Advance Wars: Days of Ruin I'd played the prequals and when I got this game I was impressed with the improvements and just loved.
360- ??? Sorry I don't own/played enough games on the console to have a favorite,(Note: I don't own a Wii either).
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