@OMGMrTea @Dr_takapotku @SirSpoon84 @dannyodwyer Right after the game was revealed, everyone said "timed exclusive, timed exclusive" except M$, but even they haven't denied it.
@pspearman @Dr_takapotku @OMGMrTea @dannyodwyer You sir are the ignorant one here. Tell me when computing capabilities or processing power has been measured in euros or dollars? It doesn't matter if M$ has thrown 10billion or zillion into a well or wiped their asses with it. That is exactly the hype talk which gets you people excited for absolutely nothing. The cloud was a defense mechanism in compensating the crappier console they are offering in the first place. Imma PC gamer btw, not interested in consoles, I'm just trying to enlight people here :)
@dannyodwyer @OMGMrTea All that cloud talk is the CELL-CPU talk of M$. I'm tellin' ya and we can get back to this subject in a few years and I will assure you that you won't say then that I was wrong.
@pspearman @Dr_takapotku @OMGMrTea @dannyodwyer http://www.cloudtweaks.com/2013/06/cloud-computing-capabilities-in-ps4/ It is funny how you all say "cloud this and cloud that" but any of you don't even know how it works.
@pspearman @OMGMrTea @dannyodwyer How come? The M$ cloud is like the CELL was last gen. Sony has made a deal with the biggest cloud computing provider in the world, gaikai which even holds a guinness world record for the most advanced cloud computing technology. M$ cloud is a piece of shit they are just hyping it so much that it makes me sick and people like you to get excited about nothing.
@SirSpoon84 @OMGMrTea @dannyodwyer It has been confirmed yesterday that respawn entertainment won't decline it's release on PS4, after all it is only a timed exclusive.
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