@danabo @Dr_takapotku That is only an opinion on gamespot, IGN gave it an 8 and the tone of the whole review was completely different than in here, it might have got a 9 or a 10 without the stupid puzzles in the game. People like you might like games which arent so epic with movie like visuals, awesome responsiveness and which are fun to play with friends online but I do enjoy them, just because you dont like it or gamespot gave it only a 7 doesnt mean it might not be a hell of a fun game to play
Despite all the idiots commenting here the game looks actually awesome, the campaign has always been fun to play in Killzones and this time the MP looks a hell of a fun aswell. And the visuals, best looking game ever AND runs @ 60fps in MP and SP most of the time. Many people called me crazy for saying that the SP will also run @ 60fps most of the time unlike the first interview with the devs where they suggested the game to run @ 30fps on SP but they informed later that the SP will run @ 60 fps aswell and it does. How about now bitches?!?!?! Huh?!?!?!?! Still calling me a jerk huh!!!?!?!?!
@killemallgp Better console, 50% more performance, better games, better online community, cheaper. Two of those statements are facts(performance and price) and the rest are opinions. I have opinions just like you and my opinions are different, you might prefer an Xboner while I prefer Playstation.
Dr_takapotku's comments