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A miracle and a survey

Well, several things have happened in the last few days. I'll start with the miracle:

My friend, who I have known for about two years, is blind in one eye. Before he met me, he went to a party at another friend's house. The guy happened to have illegal fireworks. One of them went off, right into my friend's eye. Since then, he has had literally every imaginable eye surgery a person can have on his eye. He uses dozens of medincines every few hours. In the short time I've known him, he has had at least five emergency surgeries. One such surgery happened a few weeks ago; The doctors said it was the last one he could ever have. At 16, his body can't take any more surgeries. Everybody--including my friend--believed he would have to have his whole eye removed.

Two days ago, my mother was checking her e-mail, and got one from my friend's mother. Not only does his eye not hurt for the first time since his accident, he can actually see shapes through it, defying the expectations of even his doctors. Yesterday was the first day in months that he was able to bowl with us again. He said "Hold up some fingers." And he got them all.
If his eye keeps improving, he may even be able to go back into aeronautics, his dream career (which he had to give up when he eye ws messed up).

Maybe it was the doctors, maybe it was random chance, and maybe it was God; either way, this is what I call a miracle.

For the other part of the title, I had an idea the other day, and, being the stubborn-ass mule that I can be, decided to try it, even though odds are good that it will blow up in my face. I want to do a GameSpot survey of theists and atheists about their social lives and connections with their families. I'm going to start PM-ing theists and atheists with questions. I hope to do at the very least twenty of both groups, but who knows. If you would like to be part of it, you can PM me, if I haven't already PM'd you.:P

I also got my new Bible in today. It didn't meet my expectations. It flew past them and gave them the finger from ten miles away. I love it, and it even has more material than I thought. It is also HEAVY.


Ah, I've finally found some decent books to read.

I am loving this one. It is written by many different authors, each one doing a seperate chapter on many different subjects, including morality, science, philosophy, atheism, Islam, and more. It starts out with a great chapter on morality, whether or not it is relative or absolute, and goes into truth. The whole thing is presented sort of like a court case, where they try to dispense all reasonable doubt. Very good book. My only problem with it is its' sources are old--some of them go as far back as the 1930's. But they are usually on philosophy, and I suppose those don't work like science books, always changing every other week.

This one is similar to the other: Written by many different authors on various subjects. However, unlike the other one, this one is directed toward Christians, mainly. It is sort of like an instruction to apologetics.It's chapter on science doesn't go "EVOLUTION IS WRONG AND FROM TEH DEVIL!!" But it doesn't endource evolution either. It mentions both views and their advantages, and who believes in them, but it doesn't seem to lean in either direction. The main author, Ravi Zacharias, is probably the single most well-known apologist on earth. I've seen people liken him to C.S.Lewis. Now I can see why.

Both books are great, and I would recommend the first to skeptics, and the second to Christians. I've been needing some decent reading material for months now; I thought I was going to go insane.:P

The "Rational" Responce Squad going after. . .Richard Dawkins?!

For those who do not know, the Rational Responce Squad(RRS)is a neo-atheistic cult, full of incompetent dumbasses. These people lable themselves as rational (for the sole reason of not believing in God, not because they are actually smart) and anyone who disagrees with them is an irrational idiot, according to them.

These people will viciously attack any theist they can get their sights on. They will spread false rumors about theists. They will pose mindless propoganda as "Rational disproofs ofTheism."But a recent news article showed just how unbelievebly spineless and incometent they truly are. This time, they went after not William Lane Craig, not after Ravi Zacharias, not after any apologist or theist, but Richard Dawkins, well-known for his popular book, The God Delusion.

The problem? Read.

"1. During a skype chat, Brian Cutler (aka Brian Sapient) and Kelly O'Connor of the "Rational Response Squad" approached Reed and other chatters and claimed that Richard Dawkins was having an extra-marital affair! (at least 6 witnesses have confirmed this).

2. People in the chat room asked Brian and Kelly for evidence.

3. Brian and Kelly refused to give any evidence.

4. People in the chat room felt that Brian and Kelly were lying then.

5. What was the motive behind Brian's and Kelly's accusation?

  • It was found out that the Richard Dawkins Foundation's new management stopped RRS from having contact with Dawkins (because they knew RRS were attention-getting whores who used Dawkins to spread their own unpopular names).
  • RRS wanted the lady in charge fired.
  • She didn't get fired.
  • So Brian and Kelly made up an allegation of an affair."

Oh, but there is so much more in the link I gave.

They will go against even atheists who won't kiss up to their idiocy. I can say with full knowledge that anybody who calls himself a member of thisRRS is a completely mindless dumbass with no clue whatsoever. And yes, I just labeled hundreds of people. I don't care.

Apologetics Study Bible

Yes! I finally ordered it from gospel.com!

I nearly wet myself when I first found this on Amazon. I got the genuine black leather, with thumb index. It was $90.


More than one-hundred key questions and articles placed throughout the volume about faith and science prompt a rewarding study experience at every reading.

The full text of the popular Holman Christian Standard Bible® translation

Two-color page layout

An introduction to each Bible book focusing on its inherent elements of apologetics

Profiles of historic Christian apologists from Justin Martyr to C. S. Lewis.

Valuable contributions from a who's-who of modern apologists such as Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Hank Hanegraaff, Josh McDowell, Albert Mohler, Ravi Zacharias, J. P. Moreland, and Phil Johnson.

Indexed and covered by beautiful black genuine leather.

I can't wait for this to arrive.:D:D:D

P.S. GameSpot has been getting better with the moderations, but worse with the glitches. I'm having to post this blog over at Mp3.com because the blogs at GameSpot aren't working.:roll:

I'm Leaving GameSpot.

I've had enough. I'm sick of looking over my shoulder whenever I post, to make sure I don't say something that some person can somehow interpret as offensive, have it marked under the unbelievably ambiguous term known as "trolling," and then get suspended for ridiculously long amounts of time. I'm tired of it. It's like saying "I hate cats" isworth a 7-day suspension as long as the mods like cats.

I hate to do it, because I really like the GameSpot boards, but I'm sick and tired of the moderators here. That, along with them firing a reviewer (albeit a crappy one) for a negative review is appaling.So, I'm leaving.

I'm really, REALLY going to miss the community here. Especially you guys. You've been really great friends. I'm going to say a seperate goodbye to the ones I've kept in contact with.

Reddragon9288:[spoiler] You were my first friend here on GameSpot, and quite definitely the coolest. You gave me a sig, avatar, and my only profile banner. You also gave me a great idea for a character in the story I'm writing.I hope you continue your amazing dragonart, and good luck in school. Enjoy your science career.:) [/spoiler] CptJSparrow:[spoiler] Of all people on GameSpot, you were at the bottom of my "likely to become a friend" list. And yet, as fate would have it, here we are. Of all my friends, I communicated (and, ironically, identified) with you the most. In light of all that, I truly regret that I can no longer participate in DisposableGods (for reasons outside of GameSpot). I know you'll find a better writer, if you haven't already.:) I still hope you one day reconsider Christianity. [/spoiler] Domatron: [spoiler] I think you were the last person to make my friends list. We didn't know eachother very long, but we sure got to talking!:lol: I'm sorry that I have to abruptly end our debate, but if you still want to talk with me or others on the issue, then I very highly recommend you visit Theologyweb. I have an account there that you can private message (provided you make an account). Good luck on your Journey to Knowledge.:) [/spoiler] Anamosa:[spoiler] We may disagree at times on the doctrine of our faith, but your conviction is something that can only be admired. I hope that you continue to grow in your faith, and in your knowledge.:) [/spoiler] HyperMetaDragon:[spoiler] Like several of my friends, I met you via Red's comment section of his blog.:P I hope life is good to you, man. [/spoiler] Ezgam3r:[spoiler] Your apologetics rescources have been an amazing help to me. You are the guy to consult for info on things like conspiracy theories and attacks on Christianity. Keep up the good fight, my friend.:) [/spoiler] C_Rake:[spoiler] Your writing is very good, and I know you'll keep improving. Good luck in life.:) [/spoiler] RYAN_CHRIST:[spoiler] Like Anamosa, you and I may disagree on some subjects, but one thing is for certain: You've got guts. I'll miss you and your admirable faith.:) [/spoiler] Agent401:[spoiler] I truly hope you find the spiritual guidance you've been looking for, and I also sincerely hope you one day come back to Christianity. I'd like to see you in Heaven.:P [/spoiler] NightmareDragon:[spoiler] I met you in Red's blog comment section. You have some creepy avatars, but your profile banners have all been kick-ass. Keep it up.:) [/spoiler] Raven1983:[spoiler] I met you in Red's blog. Your quizzes are always fun, and your poetic blog titles are very moving. I hope your relationship with Red goes far.:) [/spoiler]

For everybody else, I leave you with this.

If anybody wants/needs to contact me for any reason, you can find me most onTheologyweb. I highly recommend this site to anybody who likes thinking, and they also have several off-topic forums. They also haveforums on biology, psychology, philosophy, just about everything.I also have a 1up profile. I don't like their forums as much, but their moderators are pretty lenient, and don't suspend you for every litle thing. It's also nice to be able to post without having to hit refresh six times in order to see it. >____>

I might visit GameSpot from time to time, but I'm not going to participate so much anymore. Goodbye, my friends.:cry:

The Golden Compass looks like an awesome movie.

Sure makes me wish I wasn't boycotting it.

I don't care how good the movie is; There is no way I'm giving bigots like the author my money, especially with statements like this in his books: "The Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake, that's all."

Even the author has stated that the purpose of his books is to undermine Christianity.


Now, I don't mind when an author makes up some religion for the purpose of his story book. . .but when he goes after my religion, and in a children's book no less, he crosses the line. DO NOT GO SEE THE GOLDEN COMPASS OR BUY ANY OF THE BOOKS IN THE HIS DARK MATERIALS TRILOGY.

It's my birthday.

Well, today's my 18th birthday. Took long enough.>_>

Party will commence. . .later. Not enough time right now.

I see that Jeff got fired from GameSpot. . .fat bastard gave Fire Emblem 10 a 6. . .and gave some Tony Hawk game a 10. . .and gave Zelda Twilight princess an 8. . .good riddance.:|

"Oh, Dracargen, you big meanie!!"

It seems I'm unable to express my opinion that potheads are idiots and that homosexuality is hormonal without some liberal going up my ass and calling me self-righteous and what-not. . .

Forgive me if I don't consider a smoke-inhaling, lung-damaging, brain-killing, stupid, idiotic, fat, lazy, irresponsible, selfish, pothead hippy worthy of my respect.:lol:

Forgive me if I don't consider homosexuality to be genetic, when there is absolutely no evidence for a gay gene while there is evidence for it being hormonal. . .

And people wonder why I get hostile toward them. . . .

Huh. This stinks.

It seems that my application to join the Christian Union (A union I was in as Silver_Dragon17) has been rejected. I liked that union.:(

Maybe I'll make my own.:twisted:

Anyway, I've been on a music-buying frenzy lately. . .I've bought these songs:


Breathe Into Me--Red

First Time--Lifehouse

Break Me Down--Red

Those Nights--Skillet


Skillet and Red are my two favorite bands. . .I seem to be getting into the Christian Post-Grundge genre.:|

I've also reserved Super Smash Brothers Brawl at Gamestop.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I got Super Paper Mario while I was there.:D:D:D:D:D:D Traded in five games and got over $110 for them. Gamestop has amazing deals; not like EBGames *shudders*.