Dragard_Kaos' forum posts
[QUOTE="pofolonies"]I disagree. you could make metroid fusion use the second screen as a map, kinda like castlevania dawn of sorrow. i think that could work out. So I take it you want crappy remakes? They didn't just add a map on Final Fantasy IV when they brought that to the DS. If you want to play GBA games, you'll just have to buy an SP. I don't suggest a Lite, as it gets annoying having a bigger system with one screen black all the time. Luckily, I still have my GameBoy Micro. Although I used to think the small screen was awesome, I kinda want an SP now... You could probably find an SP at a garage sale for about $20 (I guess you'll have to wait till spring/summer though...).i doubt it
if it happened it would probably be downloadable like the virtual console
but usually games that get remade are because they are just as good as the current console
but ds game are a lot more advanced than the gba and a lot different with controls
and not to mention and extra screen that would be doing nothing
EDIT: Actually, I have heard that GBA games will be released threw the DSi Shop, but I really doubt they'll do that any time soon, especially adding a function for the bottom screen, they'll just be ports.
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