Damn. I cannot believe I've been on this website for 3 years. Some people might say that I have no life because of that but I don't really care. GameSpot and GameFAQs together have brought me so many memories; both good and bad. As of now, I have 1,188 karma on GameFAQs and I'm level 41 on GameSpot with almost 15k posts. That's pretty awesome in my opinion. To make this blog "kick-ass" (as Mr_Jenkins wants me to. :P) I'll explain my "story" on both websites. Here we go!
It all started on August 28, 2007. I had just gotten home from shopping with my mom and my brother. After lurking around GameFAQs for a few months, I finally decided to get an account there. I immediantly started posting on the message boards of my favorite games. The very first topic I made on the Spyro: Year of the Dragon board got to 500 posts. (In case you didn't know, that's the max amount of posts a topic can get on GameFAQs.) That's where I met my first actual friend, bd0g5. After getting to know him, he quickly became my best friend on the website. We both posted pretty much everywhere together. Then, a little bit after that, I started posting a lot on the Spyro 1 board. I had so much fun there. I met a bunch of people and we played lots of fun forum games there. It was all fun until some scrub decided to mod the board. That's when I switched to GameSpot.
Shortly after I started using GameSpot, I joined the Ultimate Spyro Union. Like the Spyro 1 board, I also met a lot of people there. I had a lot of fun in that union. In fact, for like the first year I was on GameSpot, that was the only place I posted. Unfortunately, a lot of people started arguing with each other, which eventually caused me to get involved with a few aruguements myself. Some of them were with people I mentioned in my 2 year blog. (Surprisingly.) I eventually left becauseI didn't want to piss anyone else off.
After leaving the USU, I really didn't have that many good friends left. Sure, I was friends with quite a few people, but they weren't as special as some others were. (Like the people in my 2 year blog) I started posting in other unions not only to get my post count up, but also because I wanted some more friends. One day I was browsing through my unions and saw a bunch of invites to other unions. I declined most of them until I saw one that interested me. The Catz Clan. I clicked on it's forum and saw it had a lot of active topics and people, so I thought to myself "Jackpot".
I can honestly say that the Catz Clan was like a second home to me. I met soooooooooooooooooo many great people there. Including some of my current best friends. I've made about 10,000 posts from that union and other unions that the people of the CC introduced me to such as the Forum Games Union, Aidan Fan Club, and much more. I suggest that you join this union, because it literally changed me. Some people don't know this but after I left the USU, I became a giant ass. I would always constantly talk **** about the union and the people I didn't like. And I would also try to start arguements just because I thought it was funny. Looking back at that, I realize it is very childish. I apologize to whoever I may have offended in the past. (Though they may not even see this blog.)
But like I was saying, the Catz Clan brought me a bunch of new friends. Including my current best friends which are:
You guys have been great friends to me. You are all awesome in your own individual ways. Aidan is probably one of the funniest (and dirtiest) dudes I have ever met. Courtney is very sweet and is kindest person I know on GameSpot. Koopa is a pretty laid back guy and is very cool. Mr_Jenkins is very friendly and also very funny. Slyfur is pretty badass but also is very cool to talk to. I hope that some day that I can meet all of you in person.
There's also other people I met through those unions that are still pretty cool. Like Des, Twilight, Red, Pspitus, Deception, SuperfastSonic, Greenfire, Dr Awesome, Mariostar, RG, Pagg, Psp, and a bunch more. You guys are good friends too but I haven't known you as long as the other 5 I previously mentioned.
So now that the anniversary stuff is over, I can now talk about other stuffz. Like how my vacation went. My family and I went to stay at a camp park with my grandparents in Houghton Lake. They had a trailer up there, so we had to stay in a cabin. The cabin was pretty nice; it had a bed, a couch, a bunk bed, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It was way better than I thought it would be though. The first day I was up there I rode these one bikes, but they didn't look like regular bikes. They were pretty cool. I also went swimming in the pool that was at the park. Then we went to this one pizza restruant. It was pretty good. Their breadsticks kicked ass. After that we just went shopping at the grocery store and hung out in the cabin until we went to bed.
The next day was way more fun. First we went to Subway, which is always delicious. :P Then, we went to this one fun park that had mini-golf, go-karts, bumper boats, arcade games, and much more. I sucked at mini-golf.Probably because I haven't played it in years. :P After that, we went back to my grandparents' trailer and made a big fire. Me, my brother, and my cousin watched the movie "Shark Tale". It was actually pretty good. After that, we went to bed.
The last day, we didn't do much. We had to wake up early because other people were renting the cabin at 11:00. Did I mention that I hate waking up early? :P Shortly after we woke up, we said goodbye and left. We went out to eat then we went home. It was a pretty good vacation in my opinion. 8)
Also, I'm super mad that school's starting in about a week and a half. :cry: I'll be in 10th grade this year, in case any of you were wondering. :P
In gaming news, I haven't done anything too important. Right now I'm just trying to get a bunch of achievements in Lego Batman and Lego Indiana Jones. Those kind of games are very easy. *hint hint* ;):P
So anyways, I think I should end this blog because it's getting too big and because I can't really think of anything else to write about. :P
Later, foos. 8)
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