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Dragon66116 Blog

One thousand

The title of this blog is referring to how much Gamerscore I have in Lego Batman. I finally completed it 100% this morning. Despite being super easy, it was actually pretty fun. I'd have to say that this is probably the best Lego game that I've played. I kinda feel bad because I don't think I'll ever play it again because there's nothing else to do. :P Oh well. I'll be sure to review it soon.

Speaking of reviews, I reviewed Pokemon Red and Blue earlier today. They're basically the same review, except I switched a few of the words around. :P I gave them both a 9/10 incase you were wondering.

I'm thinking of playing through Lego Indiana Jones next. I'm pretty sure I can get all of the achievements because they're mostly pretty easy.

Now on to something else. The 3DS. You're probably thinking that I'm gonna complain like everyone else about the price, but I'm not. First of all, people are forgetting that this will be in 3D. That's why the price is "so high". Second, I didn't really care that it's $300 because I was planning on buying it regardless of how much it was gonna cost. (Unless it was like $5,000 or something like that. :P) I'm so excited for it now. :D There's gonna be so many great games for it. :D I want Spring to be here already. :cry:

Btw, this blog this done now. Get out of here. :x (:P)

Este es un blog.

Incase you didn't know, that's Spanish for "This is a blog". ;) A shoutout goes to koopa_shell for helping me with that. 8)

So last Tuesday, school started. :x Although it's not too bad,it is very boring. :P Here's my schedule incase anyone cares.

1st hour - US History: I had the same teacher as I did last year, so I already know what to expect for this class. The teacher's pretty cool, but we tend to get a lot of homework.

2nd hour - Programming I: I hate this class. :P It's way too confusing, and the teacher doesn't explain the stuff well. Hopefully I can get switched out so I don't fail. :cry:

3rd hour - Algebra I: Incredibly easy class. Math is probably one of my best classes, next to lunch. 8) Unfortunately, the teacher seems like a *****. Oh well, I guess.

4th hour - Biology: Although I suck at science in general, so far this class is pretty easy. The teacher is pretty cool too. And when we have to take notes, she gives a paper that we just have to fill in the blanks with. Super special awesome. 8)

5th hour - Spanish I: Since it's only Spanish I, I don't think that we're going to learning anything too hard. Hopefully. :P The teacher's alright, but she hates our class because we're too loud.:lol:

6th hour - English 10: Another class I'm good in. For the most part. Most of the stuff we've done so far is writing, which isn't that bad. The teacher's super nice too.

Now for other stuff. :D

Like how I was sick this week. :cry: I had a cold on Monday night and I went to bed at 9. :o That's really early for me. :P I wanted to stay home Tuesday because I still felt like crap, but I was forced to go. :x I still wasn't feeling better on Wednesday, so I stayed home. 8) Right now, I'm pretty much fine. My nose is stuffed up a little, but that's not that big of a deal.

Also, The All-Time Greatest Game Villain contest is almost over. Yay! Seriously though, GameSpot sucks at these contests. I'm not gonna make another rant like I did last year, because it's not worth the time. :P If they ever do a third contest, they should be like GameFAQs and actually care. :P

I'm done now. :|

Hasta luego! (See you later! :P)

The End is Near

First off, a random shoutout goes to Aidan129 because he's going to make me a new banner; which will probably look wicked cool. 8)

Judging by the title, you might know what this blog is about. Summer vacation is almost over. :cry: I am not looking forward to going to school tomorrow. :x Although, I will admit that this year won't be as bad as last year, because I was nervous about being a Freshman. Being a Sophomore now, I'm not really worried this year at all. The classes I'm taking this year are US History, Algebra, English 10, Biology, Programming I, Health, Spanish I, and my favorite class, Lunch. 8) Hopefully this year goes by really fast. :D

Also, the blog title has another meaning. I almost have 1000 Gamerscore in Lego Batman. :D I just need 5 more achievements, but they'll probably take awhile to get. I need to unlock all the villain characters, rescue all of the hostages, find all of the minikits, get all suit upgrades, and get 100%. The minikits take forever. :x

That's all for this blog, I guess. I might post another one tomorrow after school, if I'm not too lazy. :P

Later. 8)

3 Years Later

Damn. I cannot believe I've been on this website for 3 years. Some people might say that I have no life because of that but I don't really care. GameSpot and GameFAQs together have brought me so many memories; both good and bad. As of now, I have 1,188 karma on GameFAQs and I'm level 41 on GameSpot with almost 15k posts. That's pretty awesome in my opinion. To make this blog "kick-ass" (as Mr_Jenkins wants me to. :P) I'll explain my "story" on both websites. Here we go!

It all started on August 28, 2007. I had just gotten home from shopping with my mom and my brother. After lurking around GameFAQs for a few months, I finally decided to get an account there. I immediantly started posting on the message boards of my favorite games. The very first topic I made on the Spyro: Year of the Dragon board got to 500 posts. (In case you didn't know, that's the max amount of posts a topic can get on GameFAQs.) That's where I met my first actual friend, bd0g5. After getting to know him, he quickly became my best friend on the website. We both posted pretty much everywhere together. Then, a little bit after that, I started posting a lot on the Spyro 1 board. I had so much fun there. I met a bunch of people and we played lots of fun forum games there. It was all fun until some scrub decided to mod the board. That's when I switched to GameSpot.

Shortly after I started using GameSpot, I joined the Ultimate Spyro Union. Like the Spyro 1 board, I also met a lot of people there. I had a lot of fun in that union. In fact, for like the first year I was on GameSpot, that was the only place I posted. Unfortunately, a lot of people started arguing with each other, which eventually caused me to get involved with a few aruguements myself. Some of them were with people I mentioned in my 2 year blog. (Surprisingly.) I eventually left becauseI didn't want to piss anyone else off.

After leaving the USU, I really didn't have that many good friends left. Sure, I was friends with quite a few people, but they weren't as special as some others were. (Like the people in my 2 year blog) I started posting in other unions not only to get my post count up, but also because I wanted some more friends. One day I was browsing through my unions and saw a bunch of invites to other unions. I declined most of them until I saw one that interested me. The Catz Clan. I clicked on it's forum and saw it had a lot of active topics and people, so I thought to myself "Jackpot".

I can honestly say that the Catz Clan was like a second home to me. I met soooooooooooooooooo many great people there. Including some of my current best friends. I've made about 10,000 posts from that union and other unions that the people of the CC introduced me to such as the Forum Games Union, Aidan Fan Club, and much more. I suggest that you join this union, because it literally changed me. Some people don't know this but after I left the USU, I became a giant ass. I would always constantly talk **** about the union and the people I didn't like. And I would also try to start arguements just because I thought it was funny. Looking back at that, I realize it is very childish. I apologize to whoever I may have offended in the past. (Though they may not even see this blog.)

But like I was saying, the Catz Clan brought me a bunch of new friends. Including my current best friends which are:


You guys have been great friends to me. You are all awesome in your own individual ways. Aidan is probably one of the funniest (and dirtiest) dudes I have ever met. Courtney is very sweet and is kindest person I know on GameSpot. Koopa is a pretty laid back guy and is very cool. Mr_Jenkins is very friendly and also very funny. Slyfur is pretty badass but also is very cool to talk to. I hope that some day that I can meet all of you in person.

There's also other people I met through those unions that are still pretty cool. Like Des, Twilight, Red, Pspitus, Deception, SuperfastSonic, Greenfire, Dr Awesome, Mariostar, RG, Pagg, Psp, and a bunch more. You guys are good friends too but I haven't known you as long as the other 5 I previously mentioned.

So now that the anniversary stuff is over, I can now talk about other stuffz. Like how my vacation went. My family and I went to stay at a camp park with my grandparents in Houghton Lake. They had a trailer up there, so we had to stay in a cabin. The cabin was pretty nice; it had a bed, a couch, a bunk bed, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It was way better than I thought it would be though. The first day I was up there I rode these one bikes, but they didn't look like regular bikes. They were pretty cool. I also went swimming in the pool that was at the park. Then we went to this one pizza restruant. It was pretty good. Their breadsticks kicked ass. After that we just went shopping at the grocery store and hung out in the cabin until we went to bed.

The next day was way more fun. First we went to Subway, which is always delicious. :P Then, we went to this one fun park that had mini-golf, go-karts, bumper boats, arcade games, and much more. I sucked at mini-golf.Probably because I haven't played it in years. :P After that, we went back to my grandparents' trailer and made a big fire. Me, my brother, and my cousin watched the movie "Shark Tale". It was actually pretty good. After that, we went to bed.

The last day, we didn't do much. We had to wake up early because other people were renting the cabin at 11:00. Did I mention that I hate waking up early? :P Shortly after we woke up, we said goodbye and left. We went out to eat then we went home. It was a pretty good vacation in my opinion. 8)

Also, I'm super mad that school's starting in about a week and a half. :cry: I'll be in 10th grade this year, in case any of you were wondering. :P

In gaming news, I haven't done anything too important. Right now I'm just trying to get a bunch of achievements in Lego Batman and Lego Indiana Jones. Those kind of games are very easy. *hint hint* ;):P

So anyways, I think I should end this blog because it's getting too big and because I can't really think of anything else to write about. :P

Later, foos. 8)

Vacation Time

Sup broskies. 8) I just thought I'd tell you that I'm going on vacation today. I'm going up north near Houghton Lake. (In Michigan. :P) Unfortunately, I won't have access to a computer. :( I'll be there from today until Thursday, but I might not be back on GS until Friday.

Btw, on Saturday, it will be my 3 year anniversery on GS! :D That's so wicked cool! 8)

That's it for now, I guess... :P

Games I'm Looking Forward To (2010 Edition)

Kay, so last year I made a blog about upcoming games that I wanted. This year I'm gonna do the same, except this will be a top 10 games I want coming out this year. :D:P

10. Okamiden

I haven't beaten the first Okami game yet, so this will probably have to wait. From what I've played of Okami, it was very fun and I'm hoping this will be too.

9. Super Scribblenauts

The first Scribblenauts game was fun, but this one looks better. Mainly because they're fixing the horrible controls that were in the first one, and they're adding adjectives. Can't wait for this. :)

8. Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock

The past few Guitar Hero games that came out haven't been very good in my opinion; probably because they were obviously rushed.This one, however, looks great because it's the only Guitar Hero game Activision is making this year. (Besides DJ Hero 2). The setlist looks awesome too.

7. Mafia II

Haven't heard too much about this game, but it looks interesting. Probably because it seems like Grand Theft Auto, which I love. :P I think the demo is up on Xbox Live, so I'll have to check that out.

6. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

I absolutely loved the Sonic games on the Genesis. They were the first game series I ever played, even before Spyro. I really hope that this game doesn't become a letdown, like most of the newer Sonic games.

5. Dead Rising 2

I haven't finished the first Dead Rising yet, but it is a lot of fun. The sequel looks even better and more fun. This game will probably have to wait awhile aswell.

4. Rock Band 3

First of all, I think Rock Band is way better than Guitar Hero. That's why I put it higher than Warriors of Rock. Second, they're adding freakin' keyboards. That's epic. Plus, the setlist looks great so far.

3. Halo: Reach

Go ahead and hate, but I like Halo. A lot. Halo 3 is a lot fun. This game looks very fun, and I'm eagerly looking forward to it. :)

2. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future

Professor Layton is my 5th favorite game series. Mainly because they're a lot of fun, they have great stories, and the puzzles are challenging. I wish this game was out right now. :P

1. Fable III

Before I played Fable II, I thought the games were going to suck. But I was wrong. Fable II is probably one of my favorite games that I own. It is a ton of fun. Hopefully in III they make the story longer; it was too short in II. Btw, I really want this game. :P

All Time Greatest Game Villain?

:o I totally didn't see that coming this early. I voted for Darth Vader in the prelimination and got a sweet emblem for it. 8) I could see Boswer and Ganondorf in the final 2, that would be pretty epic. Hopefully this time they root out the cheaters (like Bub & Bob) before it's too late.

Given Up

Sup peeps. 8) Guess what. I tagged tagged. Twice. The first time was by RikusGirl6. First, I have to say 5 things I like and 5 things I hate. I'm starting to like this version of tagging more. :P

I like:

1. Cartoon Network.
2. Pizza.
3. Talking to my friends.
4. Unlocking achievements. :P
5. GameSpot. :P

I hate:

1. YouTube
2. Facebook
3. MySpace
4. Twitter
5. Justin Bieber

The hate part was very fun and easy. :lol:

Now for the second part. This time it was from MudkipMaster30. Here are the rules:

1. Put Your iTunes (or other music player) on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Tag at least 10 friends.
6. Anyone tagged has to do the same, because fun pointlessness spreads like a virus.

Here I go:

1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say:
"Riot" - Three Days Grace (:lol: )

2. How would you describe yourself?
"Ride the Lightning" - Metallica (Kinda weird, but okay. :P)

3. What do you like in a girl?
"Getting Away With Murder" - Papa Roach (:shock: )

4. How do you feel today?
"I Don't Wanna Stop" - Ozzy Osbourne (I just woke up and don't wanna go back to bed. :P)

5. What is your life's purpose?
"Bulls on Parade" - Rage Against the Machines (This game is fun. :lol: )

6. What is your motto?
"One Step Closer" - Linkin Park (I like to use this term once I acomplish something in a game)

7. What do your friends think of you?
"The Pretender" - Foo Fighters (Aww. :(:P)

8. What do you think of your parents?
"Psycho" - Puddle of Mudd (:lol: )

9. What do you think about very often?
"From Yesterday" - 30 Seconds to Mars (I sometimes think about what I did the day before)

10. What is 2+2?
"One" - Metallica (Did I mention I'm terrible at math? :lol: )

11. What do you think of your best friend?
"Pork and Beans" - Weezer (Like the song, he's kinda weird. :P)

12. What do you think of the person you like?
"Everlong" - Foo Fighters (:oops: )

13. What is your life story?
"Numb" - Linkin Park (I don't get it. :P)

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
"Seek and Destroy" - Metallica (Oh god. :lol: )

15. What do you think when you see the person you like?
"Never Too Late" - Three Days Grace (This makes sense.)

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
"Dream On" - Aerosmith (That would be badass. :P)

17. What will they play at your funeral?
"Meant To Live" - Switchfoot (Wow. :P)

18. What is your hobby/interest?
"Paradise City" - Guns N' Roses (I dunno about this one. :P)

19. What is your biggest fear?
"Paralyzer" - Finger Eleven (Being paralyzed would suck)

20. What is your biggest secret?
"Dirty Little Secret" - All-American Rejects (I don't know what to say. :lol: )

21. What do you think of your friends?
"Down With the Sickness" - Disturbed (I'm pretty sure they're not that sick. :P)

22. What will you put as the title?
"Given Up" - Linkin Park (Cool. 8))

I'm not gonna tag anyone, but if someone wants to tag me again, I might be cool with it. This was actually pretty fun.

Windows Live Messenger

Howdy y'all! I thought should tell you all that I finally got Windows Live Messenger. :D A big thanks goes out to Mr_Jenkins for helping set everything up. :) Anyways, if you want to add me my email is Me, Jenkins, and Aidan had a nice conversation last night, and right now I'm talking to Koopa. :P

Btw, do you guys like my avatar? It's Shikamaru from Naruto. 8)

CD Player = Dead

So today I went to Target to get this CD I wanted. (And no, it wasn't a Justin Bieber CD. :P) When I got home I put in my CD player and it didn't work. Since it was a brand new CD, I figured that it was the CD player's fault. So I changed it's batteries. It still didn't work. I looked inside the CD player and saw that part of the inside had melted somehow. So, I had to use my brother's CD player which was covered in dust. :P Unfortunately, I'm probably going to have to get a new one.:(

In other news, I finally beat Pokemon HeartGold awhile ago. The battle with Lance was a pain in the ass and I use about 20 Full Restores on my Poliwrath because of his Dragonites. :roll: My final team was Typhlosion, Ampharos, Poliwrath, Pidgeot, Umbreon, and Gabite. Right now I have all 16 badges and I'm trying to capture all of the legendary Pokemon. Currently, I have caught Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Ho-oh, Lugia, and Zapdos.

Also, I finally managed to get Red Dead Redemption. From what I played of it, it seemed to be a pretty fun game. I also played this game called Naughty Bear. GameSpot gave it a 5.5 for some reason. It deserves a much higher score than that. It's a really fun game. The things you can do in that game are hilarious. :lol: And instead of blood coming out when you kill other bears, stuffing comes out. :P

By the way, Christmas is 5 months away. :D I might be getting a Wii, so I need some game reccomendations. I'm already planning on getting Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and maybe Metroid Prime Trilogy. If there's more I should get, please tell me. :)

I'm gonna go now and download some songs to my Mp3 player. Peace. 8)